Chapter 8

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A few more weeks go by and I still haven't heard from Frank. At this point I'm starting to think that he's ignoring me cause he won't answer my texts or return my calls.

Ive stopped by his house and his Dad kept saying that he's not home. I went home, up to my room and sat at my desk staring at his window in a daze, the shades and blinds are always closed bow.

I know I seem like a creeper, but at this point I'm too worried to give a shit. I sat there playing with my phone trying to decide whether or not if I should call him again.

I ended up siding with leaving him one last voicemail, so I dialed his number and waited for it to go to voicemail.
"You have reached my voicemail so....make your voice.. a mail." beeeeeep.

"Hey, it's me again, this is the last time I'm calling since you never answer I'm just gonna assume that you're mad at me, so. I guess this is goodbye then." Beeep.

I hang up and throw my phone on the desk in front of me, cross my arms on it and put my head down. I start to doze off when my phone buzzes. I just assumed that it was Mikey telling me to come downstairs and eat.

So I just walked down stairs, leaving my phone on the desk. I walked in to the kitchen and see Mikey sitting at the table with one of his friends and our Mom making dinner. "Why'd you text me if Mom's barley started dinner?"

I asked pointing to Mom. "I didn't, my phone is sitting in my bag dead." I stared at him confused because the only people that ever really text me except Mikes and...

I rushed my self up the stairs and quickly grabbed my phone just to be met with a text from Frank.

Frankie: Sorry I haven't been around lately. Can you meet me?"

Gee: Uh, y-yeah. When and where?

Frankie: Jaffa Cafe down the street?
Gee: Be there in 5.

And of course the first thing I did was grab my shit and run out the door to the cafe down the street. I could have driven there but honestly I didn't think about it till I was already there, plus I needed the exercise.

I got there and walked inside, Frank wasn't here yet so I just grabbed a table by the window and waited. 10 minutes later a car pulls up to the curb and Frank stepped out of the passenger seat and nervously looked back at the car and walked in with a hoodie over his head.

I stood up and pulled him into a hug once he was within arms reach. He awkwardly pulled away and sat down. "I-I need to tell you something and I only got 5 minutes." he kept his hands in his pockets and his head down. I cupped my hands on his face so I could see him better.

"Oh my god, Frankie! Why is there bruises all over your face! What happened?!" He just shook his head to shale away my hands and he looked at me properly.

"Act like you're upset."

"Wait why? Frankie whats going on?"

"Just do it, please. I gotta make this quick, but please you gotta help my my Dad is fucking crazy. I slid a paper in your pocket. It's a number to my other cell. Please text me later and I will explain everything."

He leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the forehead and quickly made his way back to the car outside. I sat there confused about what had just happened and realizing what Frank had said and frantically checked my pockets.

And sure enough there was a paper folded in my back pocket with a number on it. I looked outside and saw that the car was gone. I looked back at the piece of paper and put the number in my contacts. I got up and started to walk back home.

I walked into the house, up the stairs, and into my room. I closed the door and threw my phone on the nightstand and laid face down on the bed, thinking about what kind of hell Frank is being put through to make him so scared.

- -
It's been about an hour or so since I got back from seeing Frank. Then I remembered how scared he looked let alone sounded, so I decided to text him.

Gee: Hey are you okay? What's going on?
Frank: Not yet. God, I miss you.
Gee: I miss you too Frankie. Whats going on?
Frank: I'll explain everything, but you gotta help me,please
Gee: Of course Frankie. Where are you?
Frank: Look out your window.

I look outside and see Frank pulling up the blinds about halfway. He was holding up a notebook with the words, "Meet in back yard" written in bold letters.

I walk out to my backyard, walk through my gate, and hop over his. And surely enough Frank was there with a duffle bag filled with what I assumed was clothes. "Can you hold onto this for me? It's nothing special, just some clothes. so at least I'll know I will have clothes."

I took the bag and threw it over the fence, fully aware that it landed in my yard cause our fences aren't even 2 feet apart. •Yeah, of course. C'mon, I'll boost you over the fence and you can stay at my place."

I grabbed his hand and started walking towards the fence when Frank yanked his hand away from mine. "I-I can't. Not yet. If I go now he'll know I'm with you."

I looked at him confused, but nodded to show I understood. "Okay, but when? I don't want you in there any longer Frankie. It scares me knowing that he's hurting you." My eyes start to well up and soon the tears fell when I saw that there were more bruises and even some cuts all over Frank's arms.

Then I felt his hands wipe the tears from off of my face. "I'm so sorry Gee. It'll be over soon. It wasn't supposed to be this way." He pulled our faces closer and place a soft kiss on my lips. " What do you mean?"

" I'll explain once i'm outta here, but you gotta go before my da—" And as if on cue Frank's Dad walks outside. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU! FRANK ANTHONY THOMAS GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW!"

His Dad storms over towards us looking like a serial killer. Frank looking like he had just stared Death in the face. "Please come with me Frankie." I grab his hand and start running towards the wooden fence and help to boost him up.

As he's almost all the way over the fence I felt a hand yank me away from the fence followed by numerous punches to the face and kicks to the stomach.

After what felt like only a few minutes I woke up to the sound of what I thought was crying. I make the attempt to open my eyes but there was a bright white light that was hurting my eyes. "Dude turn that light off." my voice was scratchy, I'm guessing from dehydration.

I felt someone practically jump on me and wrap their arms around my waist and a head slam down on my chest. " Holy crap, thank god you're okay!" I quickly realized that it was Frank and I laid my arm a-crossed his back.

"Yeah Frankie, I'm good. What happened?" he just looked at me confused like I was talking about aliens or something. "What's the last thing you remember?" " I-um I remember you asking for help and I remember blacking out after getting socked in the face. Wait, Frank, whats going on?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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