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I had a... complicated life to say the least. I never got to see my biological parents, not that I really wanted to... When I was born, I was thrown right out into the streets. I honestly have no idea why. Perhaps my parents didn't like the way I looked? I did have unnaturally pale skin and freakishly white eyes and skulls for pupils. Let's fast forward to when my foster mom and sister took me in. Honestly, everything was going great. Great house, great family, terrible school (as always), what's not to love?

Ah.. everything always does seem to fall apart once the great things life had to offer decided to run dry.

Fast-forwarding to middle school. Usually, a few of the bullies just kinda made fun of my eyes and the fact that I was an "emo". Mostly because I preferred to be the edgy person that people try to avoid because they're "suspicious" and whatnot. I always found it fun to be the mysterious person who seems to be going through a rough time, when in reality... I just like black and white. Of course, I make acceptance for other colors. Especially purple, blue, and red. But for me, black and white just seemed to suit me more. I don't know.

Anyway, middle school was when everything decided to spiral out of control. The school bullies, Damien, Beth, and Stephanie, decided it would be fun to make my life miserable by spreading a rumor. Saying that I was the offspring of a psychopath and tried to kill someone. Ridiculous, I know. If I'm being honest, I overheard the conversation between the bullies, saying that they were going to spread the rumor and make sure that everyone hates me. I decided to let them have their fun. It's not like anyone would believe something as stupid as that.

I was very, very wrong.

People started to avoid me, give me dirty looks, etc. The teachers didn't really do much for me. Neither did my foster mom and sister. In fact, my 'sister' helped spread it! And she helped out with the bullying! God, the nerve! Eventually, I dealt with it. I didn't want to get in trouble, so I just let things happen. It wasn't so bad... I only got bullied during school hours. I mean, at least it isn't punching and kicking and all that bullshit. It was mostly verbally, and the occasional slap or push, or something else like that. Sometimes they did leave me in my locker for a few hours. Okay.. maybe it was bad, but at least it didn't send me down into an inescapable pit of darkness and despair, leaving me in shattered pieces.

That part doesn't come 'til later on...

Besides the constant bullying and the ignorance of my 'mother', I had one friend. Unfortunately, she lived in America. I was in Norway. There was no way for us to meet in person. I mean.. I guess it's better than having no one at all. But anyway, usually, we would talk on Instagram after school about anything that came to mind, really. We were friends from 7th grade all the way 'til the end of 11th grade. Near the end of 11th grade, she started to avoid me and eventually she ditched me to be with her boyfriend, which hurt. We've been friends for four years! Of course, I'd be mad! After a few months, I realized that there was no point in getting mad. I'm not getting anything out of it. People come and go. It's just how life works.

I've talked long enough, let's just get to where I stand now.

Reaper of SoulsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz