Chapter Two

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FINALLY, school ended! I tried to get home as soon as possible. I didn't want to confront Jason after what happened. I hope he wasn't too hurt by what I said... God, it feels like I'm in middle school or something. Geez, I feel so out of touch with society.

Once I arrived at home, immediately I was greeted with my 'mother' looking at me, arms crossed, and a very unsatisfied look on her face and Lillian was next to her, carrying a smug grin.

Okay, how the hell did she get here before I did?

I crossed my arms and asked, "Okay... what did I do now?"

She took a deep breath and answered, "Lilly told me that you were bullying other people. Is this true?"

My anger quickly took over, "Do you seriously believe that bullshit?!" I yelled.

They both looked at me, surprised. I never swore in front of them. I never really talked to them either, but I was pissed at this.

"Watch your mouth, Lynnette! As long as you are in my house, under my roof, you will not say such foul language!" My 'mother' demanded, obviously mad.

"Wow! Okay then, if you want to start being a parent then maybe you should've taught your child how to not be such a spoiled brat!" I retorted. I don't care whose feelings I hurt, I just have to get my feelings out there. I haven't talked to anyone about this, and I need to get it out in the open.

They both seemed to be surprised by my words, but Lillian brushed it off and replaced her smug grin to a look of pure hatred.

"Look alright, if you want to start being a parent, great. I only wished you would've done it sooner. Maybe this wouldn't have to happen." I said before anyone could speak.

They both looked at me, confused. I went to my room and packed some clothes. I then went to the kitchen and stuffed my backpack with crackers and sandwiches.

"Wh-what are you doing...?" My 'mother' asked, almost sounding worried.


After my backpack was all packed I was heading towards the door when Lillian pulled me backward. Actually- no that's an understatement...


I hit my head against the counter so hard that some blood was dripping from my head. Strangely enough, I didn't freak out. In fact, it didn't hurt as bad as it should've. My head was resting on the palm of my hand, slowly dripping blood.

"LILLIAN!" I heard my 'mother' shout, but I didn't look up.

"You didn't want her to leave, right? Well there, the freak's still here. Just like you wanted." Lillian explained although very sarcastically.

Everything was slowly starting to get blurry now.

"She's NOT a freak!"

"Of course she is! Look at her! Her eyes are WHITE! What does that say about her?!" Lillian protested.

I had enough of this idiocy. I shakily gripped the edges of the countertop and tried to pull myself up. Now my vision was really acting up. I could barely tell who was Lillian and who was 'Mother'. While I was moving my hands around, to find a better spot to pull myself up, my hand ran over something sharp. Without thinking, I grabbed ahold of it and pulled myself up. I turned to the blurry people with insanely blonde hair and light blue outfits. That was the only thing that made me sure that they were still here. At this point, I had already stopped listening to their shouting.

I made an educated guess to which one was Lillian and ran towards her, the sharp object raised in the air like a knife. I pushed her back against the wall as hard as I can.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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