☆♪ one.。o○

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john fidgeted with his pencil as his professor was giving a lecture to her class. he rested his head on his left hand, which was propped up by his elbow. every now and then, he'd peer up at the projector screen, and lost interest not long after. he wasn't normally the slacker you all know and love, but give him some credit, he's the smartest in the class and he's already gone through this material already. maybe he could get some extra practice on the subject, but that's where his laziness comes to play. with pure boredom, he made a small doodle on his handout paper. in an elongated, but slim font (think about the classic nct font), john wrote in all caps "JOHNNY'S FASHION EVALUATION" and right next to it was a poorly drawn self portrait of himself. john lightly tapped the top of his scalp with his fingers. john wanted to major in photography and film. he wanted to make his own tv show, where he hops around from place to place, buying articles of clothing he finds interesting and/or very ugly and reviews them, hence the name "JOHNNY'S FASHION EVALUATION." john always cared about how he looked. he'd freak out if he saw a cat hair on his shirt. he was in this mindset which is that he always has to look presentable, no matter the occasion. well, maybe not at home.

john's thoughts were interrupted when he noticed that the professor stopped talking. maybe he was called on? that's what he assumed at first, so he sat up straight in his seat and glanced at his teacher, ready to answer the question... when she repeated it, that is. but it seemed like she wasn't focused on john, rather someone on the far left of the room. she stood completely still, eyeing down whatever she was glaring at. some students were confused and others just didn't care.

"moon," her voice echoed loudly in the lecture hall. everyone turned their head to the startled boy. he had a sharp jawline, starry eyes and a skinny body. his cheeks were a constant shade of rose-pink, and his teeth were strikingly white. and his most noticeable feature, his hair. it looked incredibly soft, and it seemed as if it was combed out throughly. it was dyed a somewhat vibrant red, which is the reason why it was his most distinct trait. yet, even with the abnormal hair colour, there were other things about his body that were strange and unusual.

"y-yes ma'am.." he responded. he too, straightened his back in his seat, with his pencil still being held in his left hand.
"care to tell me why you're wearing gloves in my classroom? it's distracting your learning," she sternly asked, and the boy had no idea if it was a rhetorical question or not.
"u-uhm.. my hands are cold," he answered. the difference of volume levels of the two people was very big.
"moon, it is the end of may, and it is practically summer. take those off your hands and we will continue our class." she ordered.
"b-but—" before the boy could fully speak, the teacher abruptly interrupted.
"no back talking. i don't want to hear no 'buts' or 'ifs.' none of that." this woman is irritating as hell.. john thought.

the boy did as he was instructed and removed the black cotton gloves off his hands, though he was hesitant to remove the right one. with swift movements, the boy set away the gloves where they could not be seen, and he hid his right hand underneath his desk. the teacher didn't care, all that mattered to her was that this "distraction" was taken care of.
john observed the whole incident with curiosity and interest. why would this kid be wearing gloves? oh, maybe it's part of his fashion! but how come... i've never seen this boy before. i pretty much know every student in this school.. maybe he's new? john's thoughts were jambling in his mind, which was a good preoccupation for him at this time. throughout the duration left of the class, john would peer over in the boys direction. he was writing, but his hand was still tucked underneath his desk. every glance john spent, it was the same sight. john's thoughts started to evolve into more questions. but the thought that most stuck to him was:

why is he hiding his right hand?

thank you for reading the first chapter! <3 i hope you like it and you're intrigued to read more! chapters will most likely be this short, and maybe a bit longer, due to other books i am currently working on~

have a lovely day/night~ ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2019 ⏰

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