29. New Beginnings and Grilled Cheese Sandwhiches

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Two weeks later.

The week after Prom, the teachers decided to actually teach something useful which is surprising.

During testing, every single one of us had comfortable clothes and coffee with us since we have to sit in an uncomfortable metal chair for four hours.

When testing week was over, Easton and I spent every single day after school sleeping and cuddling. Only getting up to use the bathroom, shower, or get food.

It's currently the last week of school and I couldn't be anymore happier to get out of here.

We only have three days of school for this week and two of them are spent doing graduation preparations.

"Hey, babe" Easton says as I feel his arms wrap around me from behind and a kiss being placed on my cheek. I turn away from my locker, which I'm currently cleaning out, and wrap my arms around his neck before I lean in and kiss him.

Our relationship weirdly feels stronger ever since I found out about the truth.

"Woah, you both. Maybe try not to make out in the hallway where there's a teacher not even five feet away from you" I hear Emma say with a laugh as she walks up to us. I pull away with a breathless laugh as I try to gain some oxygen back into my lungs.

Emma and I have become friends ever since Prom.

I realized that she was just a little emotionally unstable. So I recommended her to try going to a doctor and she's doing way better.

She does look sad when she's sees me and Easton practically sitting on each other in class sometimes, but she quickly looks away and focuses her attention on something else.

I feel bad that she can't get over this crush she has on me, so I've been trying to find someone to set her up with.

I mean, I did it with Stella and Asher.

But they already had experience.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I ask her as I lean over so that I can hug her which she returns immediately

"I've been better, but I'm fine" she says with a shrug when we pull away which makes me frown at her answer

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her which makes her smile at me with appreciation but she shakes her head

"My mom is waiting for me. I'll see you later" she says as she looks behind me before giving me a smile and waving, I return the smile and wave before she walks off.

"I still can't believe that you and Emma are friends. Emma, of all people" Easton says with disbelief as he looking into my eyes

"I already told you her reasoning for everything" I say as I wrap my arms around his neck and play with his hair

"I know, but that doesn't take back the weeks of uncomfort that I had to endure" he says which makes me laugh before I turn around and continue to clean out my locker.

"Hello, My dearest best friend who I love," Stella says as she walks up to us and wraps her arms around me which makes me laugh as I turn so that I can hug her back. When we pull away she turns to her brother and her smile drops.

"And this dumbass, who I'm sadly related to" Stella says with an eye roll which makes me burst out in laughter and Easton rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around me

"Whatever. Where's Asher?" He asks in confusion.

Ever since Prom, Asher and Stella have been inseparable, kind of like Easton and I.

"Cleaning out his locker" she says before she turns around and points to him where he is indeed cleaning a lot of paper out of his locker

"What are you both going to do after you step off the stage in two days with your diploma?" Stella asks as she turns back to us.

If you don't know, our school has this weird thing that they do during our graduation. When we walk across the stage, during accepting our diploma they call out the scholarships that we've been offered.

The catch?

We don't know what school it is until we accept the diploma.

The schools email the principal a list of students they want to provide a scholarship to and we find out during graduation.

It's weird, I know, but there's not much that we can do.

"I'm taking all of us out to this really popular and exquisite restaurant that I had to get reservations for" I say with a smile which makes Easton and Stella's eyes widen

"Why?" Easton finally asks with shock and Stella just lets her mouth hang open

"Because we survived High School" I say in a 'duh' tone

Easton and Stella both laugh before they tackle me in a hug which makes me laugh as I hug them back.

When we pull away from each other, Stella says that she's going to go tell Asher the good news and that she'll see us later while Easton walks towards me and holds my waist from behind as he places his chin on my shoulder while I finish cleaning out my locker.

After I'm done cleaning out my locker, Easton and I go over to his house since I don't feel like leaving him yet.

"I'll make us grilled cheeses" I say after ten minutes of watching a random movie which makes him laugh

"I thought you ate lunch before we left school" he say but he doesn't reject my offer

"I did, but that was four hours ago" I say which makes him smile with an amused expression before he kisses my cheek and lets me go so that I can go to the kitchen.

As I was spreading the butter on the bread, his mom comes walking into the house with an excited expression on her face.

"Easton I got the-" she says while holding a small black bag in her hand before she notices me and her eyes widen

"I'll just give it to you later" she says much calmer before she walks upstairs

That was weird.

It was a jewelry bag.

The only way I know that is because the bag said 'Kay Jewelers'.

Why is his mom buying him jewelry?

Plus when she walked through the door she made it seem like it was a rare item.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and place the cheese on the sandwiches before I place them in the buttered pan.

I swear the Hayes family confuses me sometimes.

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