Chapter 10

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-Chapter 10- Kit When I saw Katrina come out of nowhere and land on the ground in front of me, I knew something was wrong. I had been here for what seemed like forever but I had never seen any of my friends here. Obviously though I ran up to her and hugged her, I was so happy to have someone to go through this stupid world with. Then it got better, Ailen appeared, then Celeste, then Davina. We were finally all together. A loud bang came from Ailen's direction and she started running. Followed by Celeste and Davina. I then knew why. The demons, all five of them, were there. I turned and started running as well and I grabbed them as they ran past me. I was hiding behind a boulder and told them to be quiet. "What is this world? I don't like it." Katrina said and I nodded. "No one likes this world. Who would?" I said throwing a pebble. It was as if we were on Mars, the soil was a red and there were small craters here and there. The sky was a black and seemed to disappear if you got too far away. I hated this world because I had been here for at least 3 weeks, not being able to leave because always hiding from the demons. Even when I tried to make the portals they wouldn't work. I was basically trapped here and I was done. "We have to defeat them." I said. "Okay and how do you suppose we do that?" Davina said pointing at the demons who were barrelling towards us. "Do you guys know your powers?" I asked and they shook their heads. "Not all of them no." Davina answered. Ailen crouched and looked at us. She Knew something and she was dying to tell us. "I do." She said and we looked at her. "Then what are they! Tell us." I said and she opened her mouth but she couldn't speak because the Demons had caught up. We started running to the next boulder. We were definitely faster than the demons, no doubt but it was still tiring to run. We got the next boulder and Ailen started speaking. "Katrina, you have Ice powers, seeing things that other can't see, and invisibility. Davina you have water powers, teleportation and invisibility. Celeste you have lightning powers, mind control meaning you can make people see things that aren't there, and invisibility. And Kit you have the most, you are the most essential person in this battle, you have strength, teleportation, seeing thing normal people can't, mind control, telekinesis, and invisibility. Not you guys can share powers but that means they'll be at different strengths, so Kit can give Celeste her Telekinesis but Kit will be much stronger with it than Celeste." Ailen finished and Katrina smiled. She knew that all along, but she wanted me to make sure. "How do we share our powers?" Celeste asks obviously wanted Kits telekinesis."Just touch the person and think of the power you want to share." Ailen said. "Great, now how do we defeat them?" Katrina asked. I shuddered, this is where I lost my friends. "You defeat them by overpowering them. Controlling them. Manipulating them." Ailen said and they stood up including knowing what we had to do. The demons were swirling there way over, we hid behind the rock until they were right behind us. Katrina froze them still and then Celeste made them think that we were somewhere we weren't, Ailen teleported here and there making them go mad. Davina used her invisibility and snuck up behind them and made a water wall all around them that Katrina froze. They were trapped but not for long. I stood off to the side, afraid to move. Ailen ran up to me. "Kit, we need you." She said and I shook my head. There was no way I could even fight them. "You guys got 'em. I trust you to do a good job." I said and slid down on the rock I was leaning on. She lifted me up and pushed me forwards. "Do something." She said and I decided to use my telekinesis to hold them down. That actually helped. Katrina froze them down, while Davina tied water strings around their torso. I made myself hover and flew over. "Wait!" I said and I held everyone's powers back. I floated down and stood next to one demon. "Why were we so important to you?" I asked the one demon. He smiled and shook his head. "This isn't the end. You guys are special and we'll be back. Just wait." With that I stopped holding back their powers and when they impacted on them the demons disappeared. I slumped to the ground and curled into a ball. "We did it! YES!" I heard Katrina say and I smiled and stood up. "Yeah, but they said they were coming back." I said and I sighed. Ailen made a portal and we walked through back to our home.

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