[46] A Reunion of Sorts...

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A/N Never thought I'd be back right ;)

November 10th, Wednesday

Areum's POV-
No pressure Areum... It's just a meeting...

A meeting that decides the fate of practically every single idol in Seoul.

Wow- way to be pessimistic now brain -_-

I can't help it, but we need a strategy in order for this to work out successfully.

You don't think I don't know that- You're my fucking brain!!!!

Alright well- look out: parks at 2 o'clock.

"Hey Areum!," Jihoon greeted cheerfully, "Are you okay?...," he trailed off trying to read my expressions, "It looks like you've been having mental battle with yourself." "That's because I am," I groaned, leaning back in my desk.

"Okay- what's stressing you out this time?," Woojin questioned, pulling up a chair, leaving Jihoon to stand by his lonesome. "It's nothing too major," I shrugged off, "Oh- before I forget, I'm gonna be out with Mark today since I have training." Maybe I can run into Sehun Sunabe and SooYoung Sunbae... "The stressful life as a trainee," Jihoon sighed, probably recalling the days he was in that survival show, "Well if you have any trouble, there's always us two and-... well you all of Wanna-One, NCT and SVT for that matter too," the WinkBoi whispered quietly. "Thanks," I gave a small grin of reassurance to the two Parks.

"You know...," I began, "It's crazy to think that everything will be ending soon." "And it could be because of you for that matter," Woojin added, and I gave him a look, "I mean- everything has been set by a chain reaction of sorts ever since you joined... or at least got acquainted- with us," he covered up quickly. "Okay-," I sighed, "Who told you about my meeting with my parents?"

"Umm... Jinyoung kinda... hacked into the camera and audio system...," Jihoon answered. "At least that means Luhan-shi kept his word," Areum mumbled under her breath, "Right- Welp!-  I have a strategy that I gotta plan out in order for you all to get your asses out of gang stuff, so if I could have some alone time please?"  I looked at the two.  The Gardens nodded. 

"Good luck, Areum," Woojin wished, "If you also want any tips on planning don't forget you could always ask Minhyun. He is our tactician." "I'll keep that in mind," I smiled at the idol, "But I'd prefer doing this one on my own- It's my responsibility after all," I reasoned, "If anything goes south I don't want anyone to take the blame except myself. Besides, I'm pretty sure the meeting will go well for us- If the government wants to stop gang activity then the only way would be to fund the entertainment industry better for idols right?" "...Yeah I guess so," Jihoon spoke up after a bit, "It seems you have it under control so... We'll leave you be-," he nodded, "Good luck~," he grinned sending a wink my way.

I rolled my eyes at him as Woojin chuckled, and bid his goodbyes as well.

I let out a sigh as bell rang, signaling another day of hell to start.

- - - After School - - -

"You ready to go?," Mark asked as I reached the front gate by my lonesome. "Yep," I nodded, "I double checked everything so lezzzzz go!," I grinned, making my friend laugh.

"You're oddly energetic today," he pointed out as began our journey to the SM Training Building. "Do you want me to be depressed and emo instead?," I retorted back. "Nah- I'm good," he answered calmly, "It's just a nice surprise to see you up and kicking like this. After everything that has happened...- Well I'm just glad your smiling like before," he finished. I smiled at his words, "I'm glad too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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