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^^^^^^(that's how alessio looks today, hot as ever ofc)

"in her face, the mirror of your dreeeeeeeeeeeaaaams, make believe I'm everywhere, given in the liiiight," you sang loudly in alessio's shower. (If you know you know)

you continued to sing in the shower until the water got a little cold. you stepped out and emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your hair and body. alessio was on his bed trying to figure out a way to tame his hair and you changed into sweat pants and one of alessio's shirts. alessio began to stare at you (nOt in a horny way ya nasty).

"so, are we gonna talk about what happened yesterday?" alessio asked you in his soft voice that made you melt.

"about?" you ask while putting on his shirt, even though you already knew what he was talking about. (do whatever you want with your hair because everyone has different hair types)

"the girl, my manager, the studio, you crying," he said a little quieter than last time because he didn't want to make you nervous or angry.

"ask away," you say trying not to sound exasperated. you sat next to him and looked him straight in the eye.

"why... did you start crying?" alessio asked, and his hair fell into his face.

you watched his hair for a moment before answering, "I just thought that maybe you deserved someone better i guess. and i was just overthinking... a lot," you said, and looked at the wall.

"but, love, you don't ever have to think that way. ever. i promise i only want you," he took your hands and intertwined them. (sorry that was cringey and unrealistic ahh)

he leaned in to kiss you and he hovered over your lips. you could feel his breath against yours. he kissed you and then slowly moved down towards your chin and jawline, and then down towards your neck. he continued until we both heard a knock on the door.

"alessiooooo," mias voice rang from behind the door.

alessio removed his hands from your waist and went over to the door to open it, meanwhile you flopped backwards on the bed and sighed in a dreamy sort of way. you had never met someone who made you feel this way. all tingly inside. alessio closes the door and you sit back up.

"you wanna go to the mall or something?" you ask alessio.

"yea sure, wanna grab something to eat while we're there?" alessio asks

"i am getting a bit hungry,"you saw while getting up and stretching

"come on," alessio says with a goofy smile. he turned around and you got onto his back.

he ran around the house with you on his back until he reached the car and he put you down. you were still giggling from how much fun alessio's piggy-back ride was.

you drove to the mall and once you arrived you both walked together into the mall, but not too closely because people weren't supposed to know. once you got inside you both ran around he mall buying things you definitely didn't need. many fans noticed alessio and you stood awkwardly while they talked and took pictures.

hours later you and alessio decided to leave the mall and go to a resturant outside of the mall. while walking out a large group of girls came bustling over to alessio, which attracted other fans as well. next thing you knew there was a crowd of teenage girls around you and alessio's all talking at once. it made you really nervous and your heart started racing.

"who's that?" "take a picture with me alessio!" "I love you!" questions echoed throughout you head. it was like what was happening when you were trapped in the room with alessio. you started to sweat and everything got dizzy.

and then everything went black