Chapter 7

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Our schedules arrive an hour later and after getting changed into our uniforms, Jasper and I spent the time keeping to ourselves and avoiding conversing with each other.

I get to the two envelopes first, picking them up and studying the print on the back. Taking the one bearing my name and chucking the other in Jaspers general direction but can't help feeling smug when I hear it hit something solid.

I pry open the wax seal bearing the academy crest, pulling out the neatly printed schedule within. The schedule is set out in a sort of table, the times listed and subjects below.

As Proffesser King predicted, we only have dinner schedules for tonight. I check the large clock above the door. 5:30. We have half and hour to get ready, the schedule instructing us to dress formally.

Formal. Probably not how I'd describe how I look ten minutes later. After hastily and unwillingly throwing on the tie and pulling my socks halfway up my calves I look decent. At least better than Jasper who hasn't even moved from his sprawled position on his bed, even after several reminders that we have to leave soon.

At least he's dressed I think sparingly. Although then again, he's not really. Sure he has his navy pants and long-sleeved white blouse on. But his socks are odd, his hair tousled messily and his blouse untucked and unbuttoned at the top.

Finally the clock ticks over to 5:25 and I force Jasper up from his bed, not really knowing why I care if he comes.

"Can you at least wear the tie?" I ask tiredly after arguing and failing to win about his blouse.

"Fine" he snaps, snatching the strip of fabric from his bed and slinging it over his neck, the two ends hanging at the front like a scarf.

I roll my eyes and step out the door, denying the fact that Jasper seems to suit the look.

We arrive at the cafeteria after only five minutes, managing to find it in only two wrong turns. Of course, I was the one who was blamed, Jasper deciding that he was above leading the way and only complained as we navigated the hallways. Although he only tried to ditch me once.

The cafeteria isn't really a cafeteria at all, it's more like a restaurant, with carpets and chandeliers adorning the room and booths lining the walls. I stand there for a moment a little lost.

I turn to Jasper only to find that he's gone. I glance around and spot him heading away from me, finally managing to do something helpful by spotting Luca at one of the booths.

I plop myself down on the leather seat opposite the guys. I address Luca loudly "I see that you managed to get changed into your uniform. Properly. Unlike someone." I look to Jasper who just flicks me a smile before continuing to scan the other tables, his eyes settling slightly longer on those filled with girls.

"Uh. Yeah" Luca replies "Wasn't expecting the cafeteria to be this fancy, you?"

"Neither, geez I was just expecting plastic tables and plastic sheeted floor, definitely not chandeliers" I eye the condiments in the middle of the table, pushing around the salt with my index finger. "They've even got chicken salt" I laugh as I pluck the shaker from the wood.


I glare at Jasper "Why do you have to-"

He lift his finger to his lips, tilting his head to the left. Telling me to be quiet.


I catch a movement in the direction Jasper indicated and I look to the front of the cafeteria to see one of the elders standing tall, guards at his sides as he addresses us.

"Thankyou for turning up tonight, on time and dressed appropriately-"

I shoot Jasper a pointed look.

"This is where you will meet daily for dinner unless otherwise instructed." The elder continues before stepping aside, showing the buffet behind him "You may now eat".

There is a great movement as chairs are
Pushed back noisily and a line begins to form along the wall of food as people mount their plates.

The newbies of the academy are clear- the people who hang back and watch. Minus Jasper who seems to have disappeared into the mass of people heading towards the buffet.

"He must be hungry" Luca says awkwardly, referring to Jasper with a nod in the direction in which I was gazing. Although we both know that he most likely wanted to get away from me.

Luca and I follow his lead a few minutes later, grabbing a plate and moving up the line. Returning to our seats with roast meat and vegetables, plus lots of gravy.

As I set my plate down I can't help but notice that Jasper is still absent from the table.

Luca sits down opposite but doesn't mention anything, tucking into his meal.

I do the same, marvelling at the fact that someone can create enough roast to feed over 2000 students in one day. How many lambs would that be? I think to the farming district in the earth realm. I've only ever seen it once but there seemed to be a sheep for every elemental on the planet.

"Huh, I wondered where he'd got to"

I look up from my meat, following Lucas eyes to see Jasper seated at a table on the opposite side of the cafeteria, one of the ones that he was checking out earlier. Girls literally sitting in his lap. I look away. What an asshole. They can keep him for all I care.

I finish my food in record time and return to the dorm for some peace. Finally feeling privacy at the lack of eyes burning my back.

I reach for my imperials, the first time since Lucas confrontation earlier. I hover in their warmth and feed off their confidence, their certainty and lack of doubt.

Then all of a sudden there they are in front of me. I run my eyes over their features, before reaching out with my hand, smoothing Dynami's proud feathers and stroking Omorfia's powerful fins. Feeling the bond strengthen yet again.

But suddenly they disappear, gone as quickly as they came. I glance around in confusion and freeze.

Jasper stands in the doorway, watching me with his eyes narrowed. I feel panic lacing my heart and I wait for him to say something. What did he see?

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