Chapter 1

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    I stared at the cup as I focused on it as hard as I could, then my thoughts were interrupted by a woman's voice. "Move the cup Baylee," the woman says. She is a specialist in my field, telekinesis, her name is Claire. No matter how hard I try I can't get the cup to move, not even an inch. If I was my old self I could do more than move a cup, but something happened and I lost all my memory of my powers so I have to relearn how to use them. I continue to stare at the cup to the point to where I'm not even blinking then surprisingly the cup starts to slightly vibrate but as soon as I get excited it stopped completely and fell to the floor. "I think that's good enough for today head to your dorm," Claire says as she reaches down to pick up the cup. I get up and leave the room, I head down the hallway to my dorm that I share with my friend Leon I've known him for as long as I can remember.

        When I walk in my dorm Leon was fast asleep, so Instead of chatting before bed I take a quick shower before falling to sleep. Morning comes too early and I don't want to wake up but I hear Leon saying my name as he tries to wake me up. I open my eyes slowly to see Leon hovering over me, I lean up, "good morning Leon, did you sleep well?" I asked."Good morning, I slept alright" he said. Leon was like me, he also had telekinetic powers too, but he was really advanced in his studies unlike me who has to start from scratch. After a quick talk I got up and went to wash my face, so we could go get some coffee like we do every morning.

        Looking down at my toothbrush I tried to pick it up using only my mind. I focused on the handle and ignored everything around me, so I could concentrate souley on the brush. If you push yourself too hard when you're practicing telekinesis you can pop a vein in your head and die. Knowing I shouldn't push myself too hard, I ignored it and kept going. My head began to hurt but I continued to push myself further, not noticing that the lights were starting to flicker above me. My body started growing weak to the point to where I could no longer stand.  As I fell to the floor Leon burst open the door and caught me."What happened to you Baylee?" Leon asked with concern in his eyes."I was just practicing and pushed myself too hard," I responded. "The lights started to flicker so I decided to come and check on you." Leon said. His eyes went from concerning to harsh as his tone of voice changed too,"I told you not to be pushIng yourself too hard, do you know what could've happened you could've died and I don't want to loose you I don't know what I would do without you," his voice started to get more caring as he looked away from me. "Let's go get some coffee" he said.

        We walked down the hallway not saying a word to each other. Soon we arrived at the cafeteria and poured ourselves some coffee before sitting at a table together. Forgetting the Insident that happened earlier, we got lost in coversation but it didn't last long because I got a text from Claire saying it was time for another session. Leon and I hugged while saying our good byes. It sucks that I have twice as many classes as Leon does and I can't even lift a toothbrush I thought to myself as I walked to the room Claire was waiting for me in.

        When I got to my destination I opened the door slowly and walked in,"good morning Baylee how was your day?" she asked. "It was fine," I said then sat down in the white metal chair that matched the gray cement walls of the room. "Let's get started," Claire said as she put different objects on the table. She put three differrent objects on the table, a cup, a pencil, and a paperclip. "Try and lift the paperclip by focusing only on the paperclip," I did as I was told. I looked at it and soon forgot everything around me and focused only on the paperclip, then all of a sudden the paperclip shot into the air faster than my eyes could follow. The paperclip landed on the floor behind me, I looked down at my feet as tears started down my cheeks, "why...why can't i lift a stupid paperclip? Why am I such a failure? I just want to be able to do one thing right. I used to be top of my class now I'm in the bottom and taking classes that a five year old should be taking," I soon felt Claire's hand touch my shoulder,"It's okay soon you will be top of your class again but you will never get there if you can't beleive you will." I looked up at her and tried my hardest to smile,"I am trying to beleive I can but every time I think I'm gonna progress I get set farther back." I wiped away my tears and put the paperclip back on the table,"Let's try again I know I can do this." Claire smiled at me, "that's the spirit I know you can do it." I focused on the paperclip again, focusing only on the paperclip. The paperclip began to shake as it slowly rose up from the table a smile spread across my face, until I felt a sharp pain in my side as I fell out of the chair and on to the floor, I put a hand on my forehead as the pain became unbearable until I passed out.

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