I Find Keefe Accidentally Part 1

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Another obviously beautiful day in the elvin world. Arrows fly from all sides.  Elves yell and point. Violent battles break out.  Ok, let me back the T. rex up.

*at camp half blood*

Me: Hi Chloe

Chloe: Don't bother me unless you have a signed copy of Legacy Barnes & Nobles special edition...WAIT, DO YOU 

Me: I wish

Chloe: we were so close last time. SO DAMN CLOSE.

Chloe: so stop bothering me.

Me: no I have a better idea. 

Chloe: you're going to try again aren't you 

Me: kind of

Chloe: let me guess...*thinks for literally 0.5 seconds*

Chloe: *incredulously* you're going to the elvin world to see it happen right?

Me: the book comes out in November DO REALIZE HOW LONG I HAVE TO WAIT?!?!?!?

Chloe: 4 months?

Me: let's just get jade and go, shall we?

*10 minutes later*

Jade: no

Me: but you don't even know what I was going to-

Jade: no

Chloe: you don't even read-

Jade: NO

Both of us: pleaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeee-

Jade: not after last time I'm not.

Chloe: but we just-

Jade: blew up a few thousand elvin cities, destroyed Councilor Clarette's house, accidentally burn eighteen forests,etc.

Me: when you put it that way...

Jade: I'm not coming and FYI I do read KOTLC 

Chloe: we can make a detour and visit foxfire

Jade: *sighs hesitantly* I'm in.

Me:  great! We need your abilities to get out of here. We're all technically half elf, but our godly blood helps us create more chaos 😈

Jade: I'm gonna use my elvin abilities 

Jade: did you just talk with emojis 

Me: maybe

Chloe: 😃😈😹🦄💵💵💵💎💳💳🏺

*at the big house*

Jade: *threatening Chiron with a pool noodle and screaming with all her Volicifier power*

Chiron: ok ok you can go as long as you stop "accidentally" setting the bookshelves on fire * looks at Chloe, a daughter of Apollo who is a  pyrokinetic, hydrotech, and telepath* or attack the camp with snakes *looks at Jade, with an unknown godly parent who is a Guster, Shade, and Volicifier and mutters about controlling snakes* OR  make the camp dissolve into civil war *looks at me, daughter of  Enyo, a vanisher, Mesmer, and conjuror*

Us: *finding loopholes* Okay thanks *light leap away*


Chiron: stOp laUGhiNg pooL nOOdleS  aRe terRIFfying

*a few seconds later* 

Me: Dang it there is no connection here. YOU ELVES, ALWAYS HAVING NO WIFI

This is what happens when Keefe goes on a questजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें