Blood Red

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Crimson red beams emitted from Draco's wand, curling and flashing like furious flames. They spun through the air in raging tongues of fire, spreading out into hands of scarlet leaves.

The colour matched the exact shade of Voldemort's blood red eyes, before the colour vanished to be replaced with plain, white orbs.

Suddenly, the enchanted ceiling shattered as though made of glass as Voldemort's peircing scream shot through the arena.

The students shrieked and ducked as their ears rang and deafened.

The professor's cried out with their final spell as the Death Eater's crumbled.

Harry lurched onto his feet as Voldemort's writhing body flew up in the air, only to fall back onto the ground, clutching is forehead as Voldemort's pain rippled through him.

Everybody's eyes were frozen on Voldemort, watching in fear as his body sparked and shook, rising higher and higher until it seemed as though a peice of string was around his mid-section, the rest of his body unconscious.

Everybody's eyes, but Ginny's.

Her eyes were locked on an emerald-clad figure lying motionless on the ground, exactly parallel to Voldemort's floating figure.

"No," she whispered, as she stumbled towards the body.


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