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Front Doors Are For Suckers


A week passed was and it was midnight right now. Namjoon was lying down in his bed, tank top sticking to his tan skin and boxers starting to feel suffocating around his thighs. There was a soft glow coming in his window from the streetlight in front of the convenience store across from.

If he went out onto his balcony and took the stairs escape down, he made it in front of the store about 2 minutes and 32 seconds faster than he would taking the elevator.

He couldn't stop thinking about the way Seokjin reacted to him asking about Jihyun. Out of all the people in the world that he thought would have attachments to people, Seokjin was probably dead last on his list.

He decided he'd probably let it go, talk to Taehyung in a couple hours and explain how it hit a dead end with him and try to avoid mentioning how he screwed things up for himself. He wasn't content about getting earfuls from those younger or shorter than him, and Tae happened to be both.

The soft hum of the breeze coming from his balcony doors were starting to sooth him, the quiet hustle and bustle of the city life started to fade into white noise as he eyes finally started to shut and he found a comfortable position.

Right up until he heard a clanging from outside. At first he thought it was just a drunk making unnecessary ruckus down below but he opened his eyes once he realized that sound sounded much louder than it would if it was really at the bottom of the building and he was on the 8th floor.

He slowly turned around under his covers, grabbing his glasses off the nightstand and trying to adjust his eyesight to see what was going on. He prayed for a cat or even a raccoon that just got smart enough to climb upwards but his whole body froze over when he saw the silhouette out of a person from his sheer curtains.

Trying to keep as quiet as possible, he swiftly grabbed his gun from underneath his mattress and slid his body out of his bed.

He crept slowly, making sure to make as little noise as possible as he edged closer and closer to the balcony. It felt like a scene from a horror movie right before a side character got killed off but he wasn't stupid enough to ask who it was or who was out there.

Swiftly switching off safety mode, he got ready to open the door. The body hadn't moved yet, they were just sitting there on the edge of his railing, looking outwards.

He opened the door and was just about to fire until he saw a familiar tattoo that peeked out from the intruder's low-cut v-neck sweater. Then he moved his eyes upward only to become face to face with the last person he expected to see tonight. "Kim Seokjin?"

Turning to face Namjoon, Seokjin finished puffing out some smoke as he faced the man with a wide grin on his face. "Ah Kim Namjoon, the man himself. How are you doing tonight?"

Stunned, Namjoon could only watch with his gun still pointed as the dealer hopped down from his railing and put out his the weed he was smoking with the heel of his boot. "I thought I'd find you here. Wasn't sure I had the right address. Anways, let's move this inside yes? It's cold out here."

Seokjin squeezed past Namjoon to move into his room, kicking off his shoes at the door, and lying down in his bed. Namjoon finally put the gun down (it was back in safety) and went inside and shut the door.

Taking a good deep breath, he let go of the door handles and turned around to look at the man and yell, "Why on God's green earth are you in my house at 12 in the morning smelling like you killed a skunk on the way here?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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