Chapter 15 Little Trip to the River

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School was over and I was heading through the school doors. Looking around the park in lot I spotted Jason and his friends. Making my way to them, as I reached Jason I tapped him on the shoulder turning around to meet me I said " here and thanks" turning around to leave Aiden called out " hey, no hello I thought we were friends", turning around to raise my eyebrows at him he laughed a little and avoided my gaze. Turning around to leave he called out again " why don't you come along with us we're going to a river near my house." I was just going to decline the offer then I remembered I had nothing better to do anyways and I accepted. Following behind them in the direction of our destination we finally had reached after a bit of a drive. Getting out of my car a followed them as the head to a house near the river, I guess the house was like a vacation house . Entering the house it had a warm feel to it. Curiosity getting the best of me I decided to look around the entire house , it looked old yet modern at the same time it was very  unique. Getting lost in the feel of the  house, I didn't hear when Aiden called my name. Startled someone patted me on the shoulder I swirled around fist up ready to pounce. Realizing but it was just Aiden I asked what was up. He replied "let's go to the river for a dip".

Walking down the stone walk towards the river I was greeted with people talking and drinking near the river. Not giving a shit about Aiden and his friend I started taking off my clothes. Hearing someone shout" well shit are we getting a strip tease". Turning my head I glared at the asshole who decided to open his trap/mouth. Picking up that he was about to get his ass beaten he shut up and lowered his head. I had already  decided to swim in my underwear because I had no swimming clothes with me. Not looking at the others I  cannonball into the river. Coming up to inhale air the others stared at me. I know it might be rude to go somewhere with other and have fun by yourself, but it's not like I give a fuck. After all I'm not really into making friends I like to keep my circle small. Kat was enough.

I was swimming for an hour when my leg decided to behave like a bitch. Biting my lower lip as muscle contract took my left leg. Me focusing on trying to stay a float and not drown I didn't realize Jason who suddenly held on to my waist to help me out. At first I was surprise but then I realized he was just trying to help. Staying still waiting for the pain to past I held onto his shoulders. Without even realizing it I was basically leaning my whole body on him. I was glad no one was near where I was swimming or this would be an awkward situation to explain. When my leg stop hurting I realize what kind of position I was in. Let me tell you this I am not one of those blushing girls yet here I am cheeks as red as blood. Pushing him away I mumbled thanks and got out of the water. What the hell got into me. Shaking my head I grabbed my clothes and told Aiden I was leaving. Heading to my car I saw his body coming from the shadow of the trees. Taking a deep breath I put my car into drive and got my ass out of there and headed home.

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