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I sink into the darkness,
the silence wrapping around me,
drowning me, choking me...

I desperately hold onto life
and my ever fleeting string of hope
as I lay crumbled up beneath the rubble.

My eyes so desperately tried to stay open,
for I forbade it from closing
in fear for his life...

Yet as I look at the face
of the sleeping boy beneath me,
my body seems to regain it's strength.

Logs and stones may rest upon my vessel,
but I shall never cave,
not til my little angle has been removed.

His angelic sleeping face beneath me
covered in raindrops from the pouring clouds,
gives me hope that he would survive.

And then as the last strength left my body,
the weight on my left and the light shone through.
And behold, there stood a man all dirty and worried,
he who reached out and saved us both...

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