Please forgive me...

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Clare's POV
I ran into the bathroom and began to cry softly. 'Why? Why does Kevin not like me? I need to apologize to Edd for all the things that I have done to him.' I say to myself as I soon start to sob to myself. 'But I've done so many bad things that Edd doesn't even like me anymore.' I think to myself. I just stood there in tears as I get out of the stall. 'I need to apologize.' Is the last thing that I say to myself as I get out of the bathroom. The cheerleaders have practice today and the football jocks don't so this will be the best opportunity for me to apologize to Edd with out Kevin being there.
I head down to the field where all the cheerleaders were at. I walk behind Edd who was just sitting on the bleachers. "U-umm. E-Edd can I s-speak w-with you?" I said to him as I was nervous. "Not. Right now." He said to me as he could tell that I was nervous. "We can talk in my dorm since Kevin is out doing something." He said as he left me there to go and change into his outfit.
After practice-
They had just finished there practice and I waited for Edd. "Come on, let's go and talk." He said as we began to walk back to the dorms. He let me enter his dorm as we both sat down next to each other. "What is it that you want to talk about?" He said to me as I looked down at the ground. "Will I just w-wanted to a-apologize to y-you." I said as I can feel a few tears coming down my face. "I loved Kevin but I had to know the hard way that he doesn't like me back!" I said to him as I just began to sob. "I'm sorry for everything that I have done to you and Kevin." I yelled as more and more tears came down my face. "Please forgive me for what I have done to you. Like the time I beat you up. It was all because of jealousy!" I said to him as he looked at me.

Edds POV
"Jealousy?" I said to her as I'm looking at her in shock. "Yes! I'm jealous of you, I just want to be like you! I was just jealous, because you have all the things that I want in my life." Clare said to me as I smile. "Will you're luck that you don't have everything I have." I said to her as I smiled. "Huh? What do mean?" She asked me as I keep my smile. "Your lucky you don't have a guy constantly harassing you everyday." I said to her as she looked at me in shock. "People harass you!?" She said as tears were coming down from my face. "Yeah but now that I have someone like Kevin I can feel safe." I said to her as I was blushing. "I-I'm so s-sorry! I made y-your life some m-much worse!" She said to me as I wipe away her tears. "It's ok because if didn't I couldn't have got the chance to say..." I then look at her while I grab her hands. "That you and me could possibly become friends!" I said to her as I smile brightly.

Clare's POV
"That you and me could possibly become friends!" He said to me as he smiled brightly. "D-do y-you really mean t-that you w-would forgive me!?" I said as I hug him tightly. "Of course! Everyone deserves a second chance!" He said to me as he hugged me back. "T-Thank y-you!" I said to him as we slowly back away from each other. "Hey prom is next week! We could go to the mall this weekend and hang out while looking for our clothes!" I said to him as he nodded his head in excitement. "We could invite the rest of the girls to go with us!" He said to me as we both nodded in agreement. "How 'bout I call Nazz and if she agrees we all go together and not then us two could go!" He said as we smile at each other. We soon start to talk about some me random things. 'Wow, Edd is really a nice and funny guy!' I think to myself as we both laugh.

Kevin's POV
I finally make it back to our dorm, and rest. I can hear laughter from inside of the room. I can hear Edd and someone else talk about going to the mall. I than proceeded to walk in to see Clare with Edd! "Ummmm. What's going on?" I ask them as they both look at each other and then me and began to laugh. 'Wut iz going on?' I think to myself as I look at them. "What are you guys doing?" I ask as I'm so confused on what's going on. "N-nothing!" Edd said as he was giggling. "Any ways what's Clare doing here?" I ask as I get a bit up set. "Will she's here because she wanted to apologize." He said to me as Clare was looking down.
After explaining-
Edd had to explain everything to me since Clare was to scared to. "I'm sorry for causing you guys so much trouble." She said to me as she got up. "I have to go." She said as she started to leave. "Oh ok. I'll see you than!" Edd said to Clare as they both winked at each other. "What was that about?" I ask him very confused. "Oh nothing." He said as he kissed me n the cheek. "Would you like anything to eat?" He said to me as he looked at me. I than had a perverted idea, as I looked at Edd. "Yes actually~." I said to him. "What Would you like?" He said to me innocently. "You~." I said to him as I started to lick his neck. "Ahhh~ Kevin~." He moaned as I picked him up. I pinned him to the bed as I started to leave hickeys on his neck. "Ahhh. Kevin~." He moaned out my name as I began to take off his clothes. "K-Kevin~." He moaned out my name as I left him naked under me as I could see all of Edds beautiful body. I than proceeded to take off my clothes as Edd was under me. And soon after I put him on my lap as I slowly entered inside him. "Ahhh! Kevin~!" He moaned out as I began to slam him down on my hard dick. "D-Daddy!" He moaned out as I flipped him over and began to thrust into him at full speed. "Ugh! So tight." I said under my breath as I could see Edd stick out his tongue. "Ahh! M-more, d-daddy!" He moaned out loudly as I went harder. "Fuck! Faster, Daddy!" He said to me as he arced his back from pleasure. "I'm close! Ahhh!" He said to me as I to was close. "Fuck!" I say as I cum inside of him. "Ahhhh! Daddy!" He screamed in pleasure as he came on the bed sheets. We soon lay down and kissed. "I love you." Edd said to me as he looked at me. "Love you too." I said to him as I kissed his head. We soon fall asleep cuddling.

Word count: 1265

Is this jealousy? (Kevin x Edd)Where stories live. Discover now