In the backrooms

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The dim lights buzzed harshly, casting a sickly yellow light over the pealing grey walls. The room was cramped and a damp stench crept across the room. Edward wasn't sure how long he had been there or how long he would remain there. He walked across the mold covered carpet and to a buckling wooden door, its once gleaming frame now withered to splinters at the hands of time. He turned the rusted doorknob and pushed the door open with a loud creak. As he expected, he was only met with more yellow lights and pealing grey walls. He continued to venture forward. Reasoning that it had to end at some point but this argument, much like the rooms he found himself in, had long since withered. He was pressing on in the vain hope of freedom that grew ever dimmer. Through the buzzing of the lights he heard a new noise, a sudden low pitch clicking noise. This new sound stopped him in his tracks. After a few moments the clicking came again. He turned his head. It was coming from the other side of one of the walls. He quietly approached the wall and put an ear to the wall. The clicking came again. Its tone and pitch changed too much to be a machine. There was something else living in this place. This was extraordinary. For the, what felt like days, he has been there he had never seen or heard another living thing. He was snapped out of his daydream by the clicking noise right next to his ear. Whatever it was, it was now against the wall. This caused him to jump back. He lost his footing and tumbled back onto his ass. He sat still, silently waiting for something, anything to happen. After another few moments the clicking came again. It was moving closer to the door that stood at the other side of the room. He slowly dragged himself to his feet. His heart was beating out of his chest as he listened. The sound of clicking grew closer and closer. He began to back up closer to the door he entered the room through. He stared in horror as the clicking reached the door. A bloodshot human eye looked through a crack in the withered door. He turned and sprinted to the door he had come through. Hearing the door behind him explode into splinters as he swung open the door he entered through and ran through it. He sprinted down the endless rooms. Thinking only of putting as much distance between himself and the creature as he could. He could hear the creatures frantic clicking drawing closer. He burst into another room, his mouth growing dry as his face grew pale as he realised the room he was now in didn't have any more doors. He was trapped. He could hear the creature rapidly gaining on him. In desperation he slammed the door shut and pushed his body weight against it. He closed his eyes and prepared to fight for his life. All at once a large force slammed against the door. He was pushed back but threw himself back against the door. The creature had broken a hole in the door and through it a pale withered had reached for him. He caught it with one hand as it desperately clawed at him. His eyes franticly scanned the floor for anything he could use to drive it off. His eyes fell on a large piece of broken wood that was broken into a point at one side. He quickly let go of the hand and grabbed the piece of wood and drove it into the creature's arm. A shower of crimson blood spurted from the creature. Splattering his body as the creature screeched in pain. The arm pulled itself out of the door. As the shrieks grew fainter he collapsed against the door and sat there. His mind buzzing from what he had just experienced. He breathed a sigh of relief. He was safe, For now, at least. After he regained his composure he pulled himself to his feet and admired the door. It had been dented heavily, if he hadn't been there to hold it, it would have shattered from the creature's force. A portion of the door had been completely smashed open. The wood torn away in large chunks, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. He cautiously approached the door and went through it. He decided it wise to go through a different door to the one the creature escaped through. He began to wander once again. Soon a new sound came from somewhere far off. music. Despite his better judgment he began making his way towards the music. The closer he got to the music the more the rooms changed. They began to get less worn and the colours became darker. as he approached he also noticed the crackling of fire. Finally, he reached a large black door. He turned the shiny handle to a Victorian style room with dark walls and a chandelier suspended above a small table. The table had a gramophone on it, playing music. It was arranged into a small tea party with a doll in all but one of the seats. A teacup and saucer sat in front of them. A large roaring fireplace sat across from the table. He approached the only vacant seat and sat down. He picked up the tea in front of him. He paused. The tea was still warm. His skin crawled as he looked at the doll across from him. Its glassy eyes stared daggers through him. He dropped the tea, hearing it shatter into pieces below him. He darted up sharply. His eyes darted around the room and he noticed something. the doors had vanished. His face grew pale as he heard high pitched giggle behind him. He stood there, frozen in fear. He slowly turned his head. His gaze met that of the dolls. Each of them now staring directly at him. He slowly stepped back as the dolls giggled. He jumped as he backed up into something. He looked down swiftly. It was another doll. Before he could run it grabbed his leg. he winced in pain as he heard the cracking of bone. His leg buckled and he tumbled to the floor in agony.  He kicked the doll with his good foot. Sending it back into the wall, it's head shattering as it fell to the floor motionless. He turned his attention to the table. The dolls had all climbed down from the chairs and were slowly making their way towards him. He crawled backwards, distraughtly trying to get away. The dolls giggled as they began to surround him.

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