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Three months later

Chris's POV
I woke up to rose jumping on the bed and Scarlett groaning "go back to sleep Rose mommy is tired" "but I wanna se uncle Robbie" "come on Rose let's go get you dressed" I got Rose dressed for Scarlett then turned on the tv for her I went back upstairs to get Scarlett she was still sleeping so I went over to her and kissed her forehead "I don't wanna go I feel sick"  "ok darling I'll tell everyone you're gonna stay home today do you want me to call Cobie" "could you" she says "of course my darling"
I go downstairs to make Rose breakfast "Chrissy can you make me pancakes" "we had those yesterday" I say she just giggled as I tickled her " I'll make you pancakes but you're gonna have to stay home with your mommy and your auntie Cobie" "aww ok she said" I made Rose her pancakes and called Cobie "is she ok" Cobie almost yelled when I told he Scarlett was sick she said "tell her I'll be over in ten minutes" I hung up and went back upstairs to say goodbye to Scarlett "darling" I go into our room to see that she not in our bed I immediately go into panic mode and run into our bathroom and see her sitting on the floor throwing up I go up to her and hold her hair "do you want me to stay home with you today" "*no you need to go to work is Cobie coming" just as she says that Cobie shows up in the doorway "Chris get out of the way" she comes and takes my place and I kiss Scarlett's cheek and say "goodbye my darling I'll see you tonight Cobie my girl better be here when I get home" "she'll be fine now go" I left for work hating to leave Scarlett home

Scarlett's POV

I finally stopped throwing up and went downstairs to see Rose watching sponge bob Cobie was sitting with her "you feeling better scar" she asked "yeah but my head still hurts" she looks at me and I swear I can see a light bulb go off in her head "you know what this reminds me of" I look at her confused "when you were pregnant with Rose" "oh my god you don't think I'm pregnant do you" "I'll run to the store and get a test"

Chris's POV

I was on set and I missed Scarlett so much I can't stop thinking about if she's ok Robert comes up to me and says " You really miss her that much" "well yeah she's my best friend" "god you need to get a life" he says I laugh and go back to set

Scarlett's POV

I come out of the bathroom and see Cobie sitting on my bed and Rose asleep behind her "well" Cobie says "I haven't looked I'm to scared" I turn the test over and start to cry "I'm pregnant" I say bursting into tears Cobie hugs me and asked "is this a good thing" I smile at her "this is incredible I'm so happy I just hope Chris is too" "he will be"

Chris's POV
I get home and open the door to see Cobie and Scarlett laughing and Rose playing with her doll and I go up to Scarlett and give he a kiss and say "how are you feeling darling" "good how was work" she asked "good the guys where messing with me about how I can't even be away from you for a day without being depressed" "awww baby I love you" she kisses me and I hold her for a minute or two

Scarlett's POV
Once Cobie left I made dinner and put Rose to bed I went into me and Chris's room he came and kissed me "Chris we need to talk" he gives me a concerned look and said "Scarlett are you ok" "I'm fine it's just" I start to cry and he comes up to me and wiped the tears off my cheeks and kissed me "Chris I'm pregnant" he looks at me surprised and starts to cry "are you happy" I ask he smiles and says "Scarlett I'm beyond happy you're pregnant with my baby" I smile so big and keep crying as he holds me he picks me up and takes me into the bathroom and runs us a bath he gets in behind me and I slide in too

Chris's POV

I couldn't be more happy the love of my life is pregnant with my baby at this moment I don't ever want to let go of my girl I kiss her neck and shoulder she lets out a soft moan and my hands find they're way to her breasts and I roll her nipples in between my fingers by now she's grinding her ass against me and we're both moaning my hands are now on her hips as my right hand slips down onto her clit she moans "oh Chris fuck" I slowly slide one finger inside her as she's screaming my name I take my finger out and push my dick into her she screams "oh shit Chris" I groan as she starts to bounce up and down on my dick I'm on the verge of loosing it and she starts to shake and scream "oh fuck scar" I say as I explode inside her I clean her up any give her one of my shirts because the other one doesn't smell like me anymore she lays her head on my shoulder and says "I love you" I smile and say "I love both of you" as I rub her stomach with my thumb and we drift off to sleep

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