Know Your Enemy

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Donna glanced nervously at her phone. Harvey still wasn't back yet from his secret meeting with a client. God! If only Jessica were here. No one could back Harvey's bluff better than her.
As was the usual, Harvey went to go have a "productive conversation" with opposing counsel. In other words, he was going to bluff, and they would cave and give in to whatever Harvey wanted. The only hitch being that, Cruella was onto him. It was as if she could sniff out a shady lawyer a mile away.
"C'mon Harvey..." she whispered to herself. She did not want to have another Harvey discussion with Faye.
"Donna?" Faye entered her office without knocking. "I've been looking for Harvey for the last hour, have you heard from him?"
She may have began a relationship with the man in question, but she was still Donna. Faye wasn't just asking a question. She was digging. The question was, what was she hoping to find?
"Actually no. Have you asked Louis?" Donna suddenly felt like a stage actress in a convincing performance.
Faye tilted her head slightly, and gave a knowing look.
"I'm no novice, Miss. Paulsen, and I respect you enough to speak to you without pretense. If anyone at this firm knows where he is, it's you."
Donna simply remained silent and furrowed a brow. She learned from Jessica to never reveal your hand. She needed to know what Faye knew.
"I've been here a total of four days, and in that time one thing has become apparent. You two are a unit. The names Donna and Harvey are synonymous here. You have quite the history...Liberty Rail, Mike Ross, weren't you even fired at one point? Yet, here you are..." Donna's pulse thrummed, but she did what she always did best.
"Well, you seem to be well informed. I still can't tell you where he is."
"Can't or won't? Because it seems odd to me that the one person at this firm capable of thinking straight, willingly turns a blind eye on corruption."
"Was there a purpose for this visit, or are you only here for a history lesson?"
Faye continued as if Donna hadn't spoken, "Miss. Paulsen. I was in your shoes, at one point. I had a very difficult decision to make and-"
"You choked," Donna finished, "Loyalty is worth it's weight in gold. It isn't convenient. It isn't easy, and it certainly isn't for sale. I know what you did to your husband."
Faye stepped back stunned, but Donna wasn't finished.
"Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I'm not a lawyer, yet I am the COO of the best law firm in New York City. I do my homework more diligently than you, because I know that you aren't here for the bar. I know you don't care one bit about whether or not we support Robert. You're here because you want to take Harvey down. Which you have every right to do."
Faye's eyes hardened. "I see." She bit out. "Then see this," Donna said as Faye stepped into the doorway...

Harvey exited the elevator and turned the corner to Donna's office.
"Then see this," he over heard Donna's icy tone, " You will NEVER put a wedge between Harvey and me, because you are correct. Harvey and I are a unit. You want to go to war with him. Fine, but that war includes me, and when it comes to him, I fight to the death. With all the homework you've been doing on me, you should check my closure rate. In case you hadn't heard, I'm Donna."
Harvey grinned to himself. That's my girl.

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