Need You Now

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Based off of the song Need You Now by Lady Antebellum! Hartsquared One-shot for my good friend fanfictionfluff! It's her birthday! Seriously though, she's actually like a little sister to me :). So happy birthday and welcome to Part 2 of your birthday surprise!

Mamrie's Pov

"Get the fuck out of my house!" I scream.

"My pleasure! Don't bother calling, Mamrie, we're done!" She shouts back. Before she leaves she picks up a framed picture of the two of us. She slams it on the ground and it shatters.

"Oh, don't worry, I won't!" I yell. She slams the door shut behind her. I usually don't have anger issues but I'm so pissed right now. I grab all the pictures with her in them and throw them across the room. They all hit the wall and shatter. There's glass everywhere but I don't care right now.

*2 days later*

Grace called me yesterday asking if I was ok. I lied to her and told her I was fine. She knew it was a lie but I told her I needed my space. I never cleaned up the mess I made and they're still perfect memories scattered on the floor. I haven't called Hannah and she hasn't called me. She hasn't even texted. I keep waiting but I never hear my phone buzz. I told myself I wouldn't look at my phone but I can't fight it anymore so I reach for the phone. Nope. Nothing. I wonder if I ever cross her mind because for me I think of her all the time. I glance at the clock and it's 1:15 am and I'm alone. I need her but she doesn't need me. I pour myself another shot of whiskey and tilt my head back. I groan because I hate whiskey but I'll take anything that'll get me drunk. Every five minutes I look at the door, wishing she'd just walk through that fucking door. Fuck it. I pick up my phone and call her. I have to at least try. It rings once and immediately goes to voicemail. I contemplate leaving a message or not and I decide that I should. When the phone beeps I begin to speak.

"I know I said I wouldn't call but it's a quarter after one and I'm a bit drunk. I don't know if I can do without you. I need you, Hannah." I hang up and let the tears flow. I've never had such a bad fight with her and now were over. And it's all my fault. I text Grace hoping she's awake.

To: Gracie

It hurts so bad, Grace....Well I guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.

It's a deep text but I need to just vent to someone. She responds within a few minutes.

From: Gracie're scaring me. Don't do anything stupid. Do you need me to come over?

I text her back quickly.

To: Gracie

No. I'm ok. Thanks though.

I don't want her to see me like this. My phone buzzes and I jump and see if it's Hannah. It's not. It's Grace.

From: Gracie

I'm coming over. I'll be there in 10.

I shouldn't have even texted her in the first place. I guess I understand though. She shows up and just walks in. She runs over to me and hugs me close to her chest. I'm probably getting her shirt wet with my tears and I probably wreak of whiskey but I don't think she cares. She pulls away after a little bit and kisses my forehead.

"You'll be ok sweetie. You're the strongest person I know. You'll get through this. I know you will, babe."

Grace is such a good friend and her words soothe me. But, I'm really not sure if she's right.

"Grace, I- this is the first time we've had such a bad fight and I just- she doesn't want me. I called and she ignored. I love her, Grace! How am I gonna live a happy life without her?" I cry.

"Shhhh. I know, I know." She hushes me. She pats her lap to indicate I should put my head in it. I do so and she starts to play with my hair. I remember when Chester and Grace broke up a few months ago and she was in the same situation as me so I came over to comfort her. I played with her hair and stayed with her all night. Chester had called the next morning and apologized so they talked it out and now they're back together. But I don't think Hannah will be coming back any time soon. We stayed up watching tv and we didn't talk but Grace kept running her fingers through my hair and tracing patterns on my back. Whenever I would start to cry again, she would wipe the tears and kiss my cheek. I was dozing off at about 4 am but I heard my phone buzzing on the table. My eyes shot open but I didn't move and Grace froze. She reached for the phone and picked it up. Her eyes went wide.

"Uh Mame? It's's Hannah." She whispers. I sat up and looked at my phone and sure enough, the screen was lit up with a picture of Hannah and her name with a heart next to it.

"Do you...uh do you want me to answer it?" She asks. I nod once.

"Put it on speaker." I say. She nods and takes a deep breath and presses answer.

"Hannah? It's Grace." She says.

"Grace? Can you just tell Mamrie I got her message and that I love her?" Hannah slurs. She's for sure drunk, I can tell.

"Yeah sure. Is that all?" Grace pushes.

"Tell her that I need her too. More than ever right now. Tell her I'm sorry and that I'll never hurt her again. Tell her that she means the world to me and I can't live without her. Tell her that- tell her I love her more than anything." It's barely audible through Hannah's cries but Grace and I understand her because we're both in tears.

"You just told her..." Grace smiles at me. I blush and look down.

"What? What do you mean?" Hannah asks. I move closer to the phone and begin to speak.

"I heard everything you just said. I'll be over in 15 minutes baby."

"Oh my gosh! Mamrie I love you so much. So so much." Hannah says.

"I love you too. I'm sure Grace won't mind driving me over..." I say. Grace jumps up from the couch and grabs her car keys and grins.

"Great! Swike is here too. I asked her to come over." Hannah says.

"Hey Sarah!" I say through the phone. I hang up and get into Grace's car. It takes 10 minutes to get there. Grace gets out and starts walking toward Hannah's house. She notices that I'm not behind her and ushers me to come out of the car. I guess I'm just nervous, I'm afraid it'll be a little awkward but I do what Grace says and get out of the car. We get to the door and before I could knock, the door swings open and I see a drunk Hannah grinning at me. I smile slightly. We step inside and Grace immediately walks over to Swike to give Hannah and I some privacy. We kind of just stand there for a little while until Hannah grabs my hand and gives me a loving smile. I pull her in for a hug and I hug her so tight. I'm so happy to have her in my arms again. She pulls away and looks at my lips. I laugh and pull her in for a kiss. She pulls away after a few seconds.

"Mamrie, I don't know what I wa-"

I cut her off.

"Shhhh can we just talk about this in the morning? Let's go to bed." I whisper. She nods. I get under the covers and I feel Hannah curl up next to me. I'm so glad to have her back.

Author's Note: I hope you liked this little one shot! Please check out my YouTube channel and subscribe. It's Abs and Kay on YouTube :). Also, please head over to fanfictionfluff's account and send her a happy birthday for me!

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