Chapter 8: Jacob

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 "Wake up."

"Five more minutes."

"She's going to kill you."

"I can live with that."

"No you can't dumbass. Okay, this isn't working. Once you wake up run. Run and hide. I'll find you. Until then stay hidden."

"Sure. Whatever you say. Goodnight."

I squirmed in my sleep, trying to block out the voice and get comfortable. A splitting headache racked my brain and I bolted awake. I rubbed my tired eyes as I tried to make out the blurred shape floating before me. When my vision cleared Uxie was hovering above me. The gem on her forehead was glowing and she wore an expression of anger. Her tails were pointed at my chest and a purple glow encased them in a spear of energy.

"Uh Uxie, what're you doing?" I asked worriedly.

Uxie didn't respond. Her tails glowed brighter and she plunged them downwards ferociously. I rolled sideways, narrowly dodging the attack. She growled menacingly and lifted her tails for another strike, but this time she aimed at Pixie.

"Pixie Sleep Talk!" I shouted.

The command reached her ears just in time and she burrowed into the ground before Uxie could strike her. Pixie resurfaced beside me with wide eyes.

"What's happening?!" She cried.

Uxie charged up a ball of dark purple energy and threw it. We dodged to the sides and the ball exploded against a tree. The explosion awakened Tertle, Glair and Ace.

"Uxie stop! What're you doing?" I shouted in desperation. Her attacks were powerful and relentless, that Tail Strike she tried before, I shudder to think the damage it could cause.

Uxie threw me a fierce glare. "You come here, to my sacred home and you defile it with deception and now you have the audacity to feign ignorance!"

"Use small words!" I shouted. Uxie threw a tree at me. I destroyed it with a Shadow Ball. "Uxie I swear, I don't know what you're talking about."

"What have you done to Arceus!?" Uxie shouted angrily. "Tell me!"

Rings of pink and purple energy expanded outwards from Uxie, threatening to torture any who were caught in their devastating grip.

"Run!" I bellowed.

I turned and ran with Pixie beside me. Glair and Ace flew overhead while Tertle thudded along close behind. We disappeared into the forest and kept running but skid to a stop when we reached the edge of the plateau. It was a far, far drop to the forest below, getting down was impossible. Then the problem was solved for us. (Maybe not how you expect though :|)

A massive blade of pink light approached the plateau at momentous speed. The blade spun and aimed directly at the rock column supporting the structure. Angling upwards, the light seemed to disappear upon connecting with the rock. The light vanished, and all was silent for a moment, but then there was a grinding, crunching noise and we began to slide. The light had cut through the rock and the plateau was falling. (Like the Beanstalk in Jack and the Beanstalk)

"Hold on!" I shouted as we fell.

The rock gave out and the gargantuan structure fell downwards. We were up high enough that the column cleared the mountainous ridgeline and we fell on the other side. Mountains collapsed as they were crushed by the sky pillar (reference anyone?) As the rock rapidly approached the ground I looked to Pixie, I could see the fear in her eyes. I grabbed Pixie, held her close and shut my eyes tight. The sky met the earth as the plateau collided with the ground. A thunderous 'Boom' resounded across the planet. A shock-wave caused anarchy amongst the once peaceful forest. Rocks flew in every direction and Pokémon scattered out of the blast-zone.

Debris shot away from the crash-site like bullets of earth spewed out by the planet. I held Pixie tight as we fell, tumbled and slammed into trees and rocks. I used my body as a shield to protect her but screamed in pain as my front paw was crushed against rock. There was a sickening snap as the bone broke into a clean mess. We hit the earth and my head slammed the ground. I blacked out.

Pokémon advanced upon the fallen wreck. They cautiously picked their way through the rubble, unable to believe the terror that had befallen them. An Ursaring pulled at the rubble and uncovered a small psychic-type Pokémon.

Uxie coughed and rubbed her eyes, but she could not restore her sight, her eyes remained closed. She grabbed Ursaring's paw. "The Eevee and the Vulpix! They're here! They caused the collapse of Fogbound Lake. You must find them before they can cause any more destruction."

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