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The car ride was quiet for the most part. I spent most of the time looking out the window with my knees pulled up to my chest. I sat as far away from them as i could but i was still rather close to them. Harry was sitting next to me and i could feel that he kept glancing at me. Every once and a wile Liam and Zayn would try and pull me into a conversation but i avoided it by answering with one word answers. I wasn't sure how long the ride was going to be and i didn't dare ask for fear of being hit.

The weather, i noted, was much like my situation. It was sunny, barely a cloud in the sky and a slight breeze but I knew it was actually cold. In my short walk from the orphanage to the car i felt the early coldness of October nip at my skin. It was unseasonably cold this year. I could be expecting a long winter.

"We'll be arriving at the complex soon." It took me a minute to realize that Liam was talking to me. I gave a short nod. "Do you know who you'll like to stay with first?"

I looked up at this. I thought they all lived together. They were a band after all. "I thought you guys lived together." I responded confused.

"Well kinda." I forced my self not to flinch at Niall's accent. "We live in the same complex but in different flats... Well except for Harry and Louis. They share a flat."

I thought for a second. I definitely was not going to live with Niall. That would just be touchering myself. Then again i deserve to be tourchered. No Courtney, stop it. So no living with Niall. I looked next to me at Harry and next to him at Louis. There were two of them that would be even more unpleasant at night. No not them either. Zayn seamed pretty relaxed but its those who always do the worst damage and Liam acted like the responsible one but that also means he would figure me out fastest. I didn't want to live with any of them.

"I don't really mind. You guys can choose." I smiled at them.

It wasn't long until we arrived at the complex. I was going to be living with Harry and Louis for a wile until i got situated (i knew that meant broken in). Then i could move from flat to flat as i pleased. We pulled up in the drive way and i noted that Terra had been strangely quiet during the ride. It was nice.

The complex wasn't anything too special. Neither was the flats. Sure they were a like three times the size of regular flats but everything seamed normal. Everyone departed to their flats so i was left with Harry and Louis. Alone.

"Harry, i wanted to be the one to show Courtney her room but i wasn't expecting that much traffic and now i have to take a wiz." Louis said while putting the keys on the kitchen counter.

Harry nodded. "Right. I'll do it."

He picked up my bag from the ground and lead me up the stairs and down a hall. My room was the last door on the left.

"Okay, right, so... This is your room. My room is right next to yours and Louis' is across from mine. This is the bathroom." He pointed the the door across from mine. "And there's another one downstairs if this one is being used."

I nodded my head not sure why he was telling me all this. I went for the door nob to my room. I looked up at Harry asking if it was okay for me to enter. He nodded.

My room was like what every girl would envision there room to be like. I had a blue silk bed pushed to the middle of the left wall. I had a nice white and gold vanity in the corner of the right wall. The carpet was light blue. There were two windows. One on the wall directly across from me and one wall that had the vanity against it. The closet was next to my bed with sliding wooden doors that were painted white to contrast with the deep blue walls. I hadn't realized i moved to the middle of my room till I finished doing a slow spin to take everything in.

"I know you said your favorite color was red but Niall said he wanted to paint the your room in his flat red and we didn't want to copy him." Harry snapped me out of my day dream.

"No. No. This is..." I felt a tear run down my cheek. Shit. I blinked fast to prevent anymore from coming out and i quickly wiped my tear away hoping he didn't notice. No such luck.

"Hay. We can change it to red if it's that important to you." He walked into my room and over to the closet. He opened it to reveal an array of cloths.

"No. No. It's just.... This is more than anything I've ever had before." Crap what was i doing? I cant say this stuff. Courtney stop talking.

I'd be best if you never talked again.

I know this is weird to think but i was a little relieved to hear Terra. No matter how mean she was she was always right. I was nothing with out her.

You're nothing with me too.

"I understand not having anything at the orphanage but what about before that?" He asked turning back to me. With a concentrated look on his face. He started walking towards me and my breathing picked up. I took a step back bumping into the vanity. He must have noticed i was trying to put space between us cause he stopped walking and took a step back. "Sorry I forgot about the personal space issue."

I calmed down a bit. "Its fine." I stated. Louis was taking an awful long time in the bathroom I noted. That must mean this is Harry's time to break me. If i could hold him off with talking maybe i could wast up his time.

Good idea. Then you'll just have to deal with two at once.

I noted Terra's sarcasm. "You never answered my question."

I flinched expecting to be hit for not answering but when I looked up he had a confused and shocked look on his face.

"S-sorry." I plastered on a smile. If i ignored the fact that i flinched maybe he would too. "Um... Did you read my file?" I asked trying my best to be polite.

"Yah. But it didn't say much. Only that your mom died as well as your little sister when you were really young."

Silly, silly Harry. They didn't just die. They were m- Stop!!!

"Yah. I don't really remember them that well." Lie.

A series of clangs from down stairs brought made mine and Harry's head snap toward the doors.

"Harry!!!!" Louis' voice echoed though out the house. "Do you wait for the water to boil to put the pasta in or do you put the past in the pot while the water is heating up?"

Did, he? God, even I know that and i don't know anything!!! I cracked a small smirk. He's so stupid.

He's better than you.

"Louis! How many times do I have to tell you not to cook in my kitchen!" He quickly walked out of the room.

I started un packing. I didn't have much. I hid my scale under the bed. My knife and lighter stayed in my jewelry box which i put on my vanity. Maybe the boys would leave me alone for a few days before they decided to have their way. That would be nice.

Rapid thumping up the stairs alerted me that someone was coming. No more than 5 seconds later did Louis show up at my door.

"Courtney it's time to eat, love. All the lads are here as well." I fallowed him out of the room as he kept talking. "I bet you must be hungry. We heard how you were feeling sick this morning and the day before and haven't eaten much. You must be starving huh?"

Great. Now i have to explain why I'm not eating much and i sure as heack cant tell them the truth.

Hay guys. Sorry for the long wait and ik this isn't the best chapter but i cant have everything happen right away. I think in the next chapter or the one after that ill have courtney have an "episode". It might be a slow story for a little wile. Ive been having really bad writers block. If you tell me what you want to see in the next chapter i will probibly get the chapters out faster so please i will take any ideas. I love you guys. Please comment and tell me what you want to see happen in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2012 ⏰

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