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Author's note: credits to the wonderful Träumerin for prompting my inspiration on this one whilst baking Christmas biscuits^^


"Do you guys want to go anywhere for Christmas?" asked the Doctor, beaming at her friends. Graham shrugged his shoulders and Ryan said, "I dunno."

"How about we stay in the TARDIS and have our own little Christmas dinner party?" Yaz suggested. She was hoping for a quiet evening with the Doctor - even if she couldn't get close to her - and didn't want any unexpected danger to interfere with that. The Doctor looked at Yaz, considering, and Yaz quickly looked away. She couldn't bear the stare of those beautiful eyes on her. Instead she said to Graham and Ryan, "how would you like some Christmas baking?"

The idea was greeted enthusiastically.

"Right then, biscuits and tea, better get a shift on!" The Doctor stepped away from the controls and hopped down a staircase toward the kitchen. The others followed. Graham let himself fall back to wait for Yaz, who came last. When she reached him he asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Cause it is. Why, what d'you mean?" That sounded a bit too nervous, perhaps, and Yaz mentally kicked herself.

"I know what you're up to," Graham winked at her, "spending Christmas here...with the Doc..." Yaz blushed furiously. "I'm not up to anything!" Then she added in a calmer voice, "Is it that obvious?"

"It is to Ryan and me. I'm not sure about the Doc, though."

The two of them caught up with Ryan and the Doctor, just as the Time Lady was saying, "about time to make use of that kitchen, you know? I'm usually one for eating out. That way you meet more interesting people."

She kept rambling until they reached the kitchen, and Yaz caught herself heart-eyeing the Doctor's golden hair.


Half an hour later the four of them were standing in the kitchen, stirring various things in different bowls, soup bubbling on the stove.

Yaz was stirring biscuit dough in a bowl the colour of overripe raspberries. The Doctor was just checking the soup next to her. Much to Yaz's discomfort, Graham and Ryan made sure never to stand between the two women and to nudge them close to each other whenever possible, almost to the point of irritating Yaz a little. The Doctor seemed oblivious as ever.

Yaz put aside the whisk and put a finger in the bowl, scooping up a bit of dough.

"Let's see if this even tastes right," she grinned and held up her finger. The Doctor turned around, leaned over and in an instant licked the dough off of Yaz's finger. Yaz's heart almost stopped. Ryan and Graham, wide-eyed behind the Doctor's back, desperately tried to smother their giggle, whilst the Doctor reached into the bowl herself to confirm the result of the first tasting:

"Yep, definitely good!"


After dinner, Yaz excused herself. It had been a wonderful evening but being with the Doctor was exhausting. After all, Christmas was supposed to be spent with your loved ones, and what was the point if she kept hiding her feelings from the Doctor?

Yaz wandered to the console room and opened the TARDIS doors. The shields kept the air in but the cold of the vacuum of space hit her nonetheless. She sat down on the edge and stared at a nebula close by. It was blindingly white and little particles swirled around like snowflakes. If only she were brave enough! The minutes passed, maybe half an hour, and Yaz got lost in her thoughts.

She jumped when the voices of the others came from the corridor. She listened as Ryan and Graham said goodnight to the Doctor. Some doors were opened and shut. Then footsteps. Yaz's heart began to race when she recognised the Doctor's light footfall approaching her.

"D'you mind if I sit down?"

Yaz shook her head. "Course not." In her head she was desperately searching for a way to escape. The Doctor settled down next to her.

"I'm not as dumb as I act."

Yaz risked a look and saw that the Doctor was staring at her. Those beautiful eyes! But there was something in them Yaz hadn't seen before. Against the backdrop of the snowy nebula, the Doctor smiled, and Yaz really tried to think of a better metaphor than the rising sun. Suddenly something above their heads began to move. The two of them looked up as green leaves and red berries appeared out of nowhere, hanging from the ceiling.

The TARDIS was growing mistletoe.

"I think someone is getting impatient with us..." the Doctor laughed. Before Yaz could respond, the Doctor's eyes were closer than ever before.

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