Dungeons and Discord

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To be honest she really did miss Discord during her trip. And finding him Bonding with Big mac and Spike was truly adorable to her. And now there they were having their picnic together just the two of them by themselves just like he wanted.

Fluttershy: Aw Discord I missed you

Discord: Same here my dear you were in the back of my mind all day... actually you're on the back of my mind every day

Fluttershy: Yeah I know!

Discord: And how do you know dear?

Fluttershy: Because you just told me that!

Discord: Yeah I know. So how was your trip?

Fluttershy: It was Okay Rarity got sprayed by a snow skunk so that was fun.

Discord: But she didn't smell bad when I saw her

Fluttershy: She already covered the stench up with perfume

Discord: Oh is that why it smelled bad in their?

Fluttershy: Yeah that's why it smelled.

Discord: Oh well that is really weird but I liked the smell

Fluttershy: Dizzy you love weird smells.

Discord: Love is a pretty strong word to use but that feeling is mutual.

Fluttershy: So you like and love the weird smells?

Discord: Of course I do I'm the lord of Choas! Besides weird smells is my thing!

Fluttershy: And I'm fine with you liking weird smells

Discord: I'm not going to question this at all!

Fluttershy came to the realization that she was still growing feelings for the Draconaqus but she did know that he's always thinking about her a lot.

MLP. FIM: Fluttercord is Magic Where stories live. Discover now