The Wedding Day (Jungkook)

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There he is, Jeon Jungkook getting married. Cleaned up and looking handsome as ever. I see through his eyes how nervous he is but at the same time how his eyes is full of joy and happiness. He should be, this is his day. Days like this doesn't happen everyday. That's why nobody shouldn't be sad on a wedding day right? Badly there's me Ae-Cha feeling nothing except sorrow, sadness and emptiness.

Suddenly I see a woman coming out from the church door. Hyun-Aw that's her name. Soon Jeon Jungkook's future wife. She walked slowly through the altar. The guests were quiet the only thing i could hear was, how the piano player played the wedding song. Hyun-Aw was breathtaking, of course Jeon Jungkook fell in love with her. I never had a chance anyway.


"I... love you"

Ae-Cha I'm sorry.. I mean, I love you too but just as friends you know. I'm sure you'll find the one soon."

"Can't you even give me chance? I promise you will not regret it!" I know i sounded desperate. I can't help it I just love him to much.

"I can't there's someone else." Someone else, those two words hit me like a train.


Gladly after that miserable rejection, he still stayed being my friend. I'm really thankful for that, however it still hurts like it just been yesterday that I confessed to him.

Hyun-Aw finally reached the altar. Jungkook's eyes sparkled you just felt his happiness. Yes, I am jealous of Hyun-Aw since she came into his life.
However she make him so happy, I wouldn't be able to do that if there was a relationship between us. I am sad but seeing him happy makes me happy too.

After the priest finished talking his long speech, he finally said: "You now may kiss the bride." Then they both kissed. Everyone applause and were happy for them. Some are even crying like Jungkook's mom. Not gonna lie some tears fell on my cheeks too. Not sure if it was because I'm not the woman he married to or it was happy tears. It may be mix of two.

Suprisingly the "man of honor" was emotional as well. He hold a tissue and whipped his tears away. Kind of think it was cute seeing him like that. I don't really remember who he was.. Kim Taeling? No... Kim Taeshing? Agh I don't remember.. as far as I know he's Jungkooks best friend/childhood friend. He studied abroad so it's the first time I met him.

After the emotional Wedding Ceremony it was finally time for the Wedding Reception. I sat on the table with a lot friends of Jungkook and Hyun-Aw. So luckily me didn't felt awkward sitting there.

Jungkook and Hyun-Aw hold a knife together and cut their stunning beautiful cake. Put it on a tiny plate, Hyun-Aw took a little piece on her fork and shove it to Jungkooks mouth.

Ugh... I hate this. When they act all cute it's just annoying. Why do they have to be such a perfect couple? I never saw them fighting or anything not even a argument. Well I have to get use to it now. They both are destined to be together.

Time passed and Jungkook hold a mic and said: "Thank you to everyone who came to this wedding today. It was rough months, preparing all of this but it was worth it. I want to say thank you to my parents, Hyun-Aw's parents, our lovely wedding planner Park Jimin, the chef who cooked the delicious buffet Kim Seokjin, our amazing pianist Min Yoongi and my best man Kim Taehyung who came far from abroad just to be here. I really appreciate that. Thanks again for the help and to everyone who came to this wedding."

The Wedding is finally over. Last guests were saying goodbye to the married couple. I was ready to head out but then Hyun-Aw came to me and said: "Ae-Cha? Can we talk for a moment alone?" "Uhm yeah sure." I forced myself to smile. I wasn't in the mood for this for now to be honest. I'm tired and it was a long day.

We went to a place where it was quiet and nobody would disturb us. "So what you wanna talk about?" I asked. She gave me this lovely smile and said. "I know you love Jungkook more than just friends. He told me you confessed to him few years ago and I can tell you still not got over him."
"That's not true Hyun-Aw I'm-" she cut me off.

"No, you're not" she said calmly.  " I can clearly see that how you look at him." Don't worry I'm not mad or anything."

There was a silent between us.

"I don't understand. Why do you say this now? To show me that you won him over and I lost against you? Well then congratulations you're the happiest person on earth now! Oh and me? I feel exactly the opposite. Thanks Hyun-Aw for everything!" I stormed off after screaming at her.

I ran like never before, like someone is chasing after me to kill me. I don't know where I ran but I couldn't stop. Suddenly I bumped into someone and fell hard.



Eh? Did I just said ouch with 2 different voices? Then I realized I bumped into someone how embarrassing.

I looked up who I bumped into. I widen my eyes and the person who also bumped into me had the same reaction like me.

It was Kim Taehyung! The best man of Jungkook's wedding.

Then he smiled and apologized.

His smile made my heart jump like crazy.

"I'm so sorry are you hurt somewhere?" He asked with a worry tone.

i stared his eyes like damn long. They were so camptivated.. I realized that he asked something so I answered fast: "YES..I mean no I'm okay. Ugh I hope you're okay too? I mean we hit our head pretty hard."

He looked at me like I was crazy but then he started laughing probably because of this weird situation. Though I started laughing too.

I thought this day start and end up horribly but luckily it end up quite funny and cute.


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