Chapter 3

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Miles walks into English and takes a seat beside Tristan. Maya walks in and sees Miles in her seat... no!

"Miles," she says. "That's my seat."

"Not anymore," says Tris. Maya, then decided to go sit with Zoe.

"We've got to do something about this," she says.

"Yeah," Zoe said, "I know."

"Good Morning Class," Says Mr. Yates as he walks in, shutting the door behind him. Wait! Mr. Yates?? What is he doing here?

"I know I've been gone a while," he says, cutting his eyes over to Tristan's once. "But I'd like to just pick up right where we left off, if that's alright. Open to page 52 and... Tristan, will youstart reading the first paragraph?"

"There's only one," Tris says.

"Oh, well, um... yeah... just read that one, then." Maya writes a note on a piece of paper and passes it to Zoe. It reads:

MM: And he's how were going 2 fix tis lil... prob!

Zoe replies with:

ZR: U sr it wll wrk???

MM: iT HS 2! >:p

ZR: hp ur rite

I hope so, too, Maya thought.

* * *

"And when you think about it," Yates is saying, "a what Robert Frost is really trying to portray with this poem is-"

"Apparently, that it's time to stop," he says smiling to the class. "Have a great day everyone." The class gathers their things and leaves the room. Now Zoe, and Maya put their plan into action. As Zoe leaves last and shuts the door, Maya walks up to Yates. He looks up and sees her.

"Can I help you with something, Ms. Matlin?"

"It was me," she says.
Yates gets confused.

"Im sorry?"

"I'm the one who told Simpson about you and Tristan... not him." His eyes wide.

"Why in the world would you do that, Maya?"

"I was worried about him. I'm sorry, I souldn't have said anything about it."

"Wh are you telling me all this?"

"Because you should be mad at me. Not Tris."

"I'm not mad at Tristan because I thought he was the one who told Simpson."

"Then, why...?"

"Because..." He sighs. "Tristan promised me he would keep us a secret. He didn't."

"Yes he did!"

He told you."

"No... I guessed. I was able to because of the huge hickey you put on his neck!" They both stand there, silent. Yates swallows.

"Why are you telling me all this?" he asks, finally.

"Because," Maya says, "I want you to forgive him." Yates considers this, a minute.

"Do you think he'd forgive me?" The bell rings.

"He's in love with you, Mr. Yates." Yates grins like a kid at the candy tore.

"He is?"


"Ya know what? I think I'll talk to him today. Thank you so much, Maya. You don't know how much this means to me!"

"You're super welcome, Sir!" Maya smiles at him.

"Call me Grant, Maya. You've earned that right, today!"

"One more thing," Maya says.

"What is it?"

"I need you to write me a note for my next class..." Yates chuckles slightly.

"SUre thing!"

* * *

Hey, Tris!" Maya says, coming up behind Tristan at his lockor. He's examining a piece of paper, thoughly. He turns and looks at her.

"Oh... hi." He says.

"Something wrong?" she asks.

"Still not talking to you, remember?"

"Oh... well... can we try and work it out?"

"Not right now," he says.

"Why not?"

"Telegrahm from the Perv. BRB"

"K." Tris walks off in the direction of the parkingl ot.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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