Update on my life

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Hello. I'm updating yall on all the shit that's happened.

My ex bestfriend started acting way more violent towards me. School was out and I was starting to feel better. An ex messaged me that he told some of his friends my Instagram, I was threatened and called names. Went to Ohio for a week. Came back. My parents were arguing and talking about divorce. My obsession with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre started. Met a guy who liked the same things. Had a crush on him. Started dating him. One of my good friends came back (I'm talking about you, yungr0tten) and that's about it.

I didnt make this chapter for pity or anything because life has been getting better slowly. I made it as more of a reminder for myself.

Idrk how to end this. Uhm... have a picture of my cats

 have a picture of my cats

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