Everyone But Harrison

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Okay y'all so this is my first camp camp fic and yea it'll contain a lot of angst and a lot of heavy subjects such as child neglect, depression, self harm and so on. This is a warning if you continue to read I hope you enjoy :) (I wrote this at 4am instead of sleeping whoops). and yes there will be swearing.


Harrison sat alone, hunched up in a small ball at the back of the bus head pressed against the window as he watched the trees blur before his eyes. he shut them. and tried to drown out the noises coming from the other kids. the laughter and jokes only made Harrison realize what he'd never had. the constant bullying and torment he endure everyday at school left little time for friends. he was a freak after all.

the bus soon arrived at its final destination, camp Campbell the sign read, though the bell part was faded. Harrison was the last off it made sense cause he was the first on. his parents were desperate to get rid of him, they had been terrified ever since he made his brother disappear. Harrison's parents made no effort to even look in his direction some days, this left Harrison to fend for himself. he'd gotten pretty good at preparing simple meals like eggs and sandwiches (author couldn't think of other foods). How he wished for things to go back to normal.

Harrison pushed those thoughts aside as he was greeted by a tall skinny redheaded man, the man wore a big smile from ear to ear. He bent down to Harrison's level.

"Hello :D, you must be Harrison! I'm David you're camp counselor! welcome to camp Campbell". David beamed at him. Harrison gave an awkward smile.

"Alright kiddos, it's time I give you all the official camp Campbell tour!" David said as he returned to his normal height. He took the group and the tour, many questions were asked.

Harrison barely payed attention to anything and tagged along at the back of the group. He hadn't talked to anyone yet, though making friends didn't go well for him last time so he didn't bother trying again. This was going to be a looong summer.

After the tour was over they all gathered in the mess hall, it was here they were introduced to Gwen, the other camp counselor.

"Nice to meet ya, ya little shits". She said sarcastically as she smiled weakly, anyone could tell she did not want to be here.

"LaNgUaGE" David gasped. Gwen just rolled her eyes.

"okay kids it's time to assign cabin buddies" the smiley man said with a little too much excitement. "the pairs are, max and neil -oh by the way stand with you partner- ok next we have, dolph and space kid, then nurf and scotty, next we have the three ladies, Nikki nerris and ered (though some could argue Nikki) since we want to keep genders together. And finally we have Harrison and Preston.

Harrison's eyes scanned the room for his cabin mate (more like tent mate), that's when he felt two hands grasp his shoulders, he spun around too quickly -barely avoiding whiplash- to see a skinny boy decked out in a frilly Shakespeare-ish looking attire. The boys hair was dark brown and he had the most piercing yellow eyes.

"Hiyaaa, I'm Preston isn't it amazing we get to be cabin mates!" He practically screamed it in Harrison's ear. Harrison smiled shyly, he was off-put by this much enthusiasm towards him.

"I-im Harrison" he managed to muster out.

Preston reached out his hand as a gesture for a handshake, Harrison flinched a little. It was concerning. Preston took note of this and pulled his hand away. Awkwardness seeped over them for a few moments, but only for a few moments. When it was broken by David who was telling them all to go get settled in their "cabins". The kids obeyed, honestly happy to be rid of David's annoying positivism. everyone walked happily to their "cabins" sharing jokes and laughs, everyone but Harrison.


I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter, if you wanna leave some advice or feedback in the comments, well heck I'd love that !

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