Chapter 7: More than a 5th Seat**Lemon**

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After playing tag with Yachiru until dark, we started to head back to the barracks from squad 13's grounds. "Hey Kiki can I ask you something?" "Sure Chiru, what's on your mind?" She jumps onto my back and hugs my neck loosely. "Can you be my momma? All the other girls have a momma but me and they always pick on me for it" I clear my throat a little look over at her. "Well if you want me to be I can. I can teach all sorts of things that a momma would teach their daughter to get you ready for the real world." She squeaks happily and nuzzles my shoulder. "Yay! Momma!" I chuckled a little and kept walking us back home.

I walked through the gates about an hour later, carrying Yachiru like a baby as she slept. I brought her back to my room and tucked her into bed. As I headed to my dresser to get ready for bed, I saw Kenpachi's haori still sitting on the top of it. Oh shit, I forgot to bring this back to him. I grabbed it and headed back out, making sure to be quiet as to not wake up Yachiru. Once I got to Kenpachi's room, I slid open the door slowly. "Captain? I have your haori that you left." I walked in and looked around to see where he was. I shut the door behind me and placed his haori on his dresser and kept looking around for him. Just then, his bathroom door opened and he came out with a towel around his waist. I froze and blushed brightly as he looked up and smirked at me. "Now who's the one coming in uninvited Kaji?" I start to stutter an answer but he holds up a hand as he walks towards me. "Don't worry about it. I knew I left that damn thing somewhere." He pets the top of my head before he walks past me to his dresser.

I stay facing away from him as I hear him going through his clothes and putting on something for bed. Then I feel his arms wrap around my waist and his head rest on my shoulder. I lean my head against his and relax in his arms. "Oh, I wanted to tell you that Yachiru asked if I can be her momma." He chuckles some and lifts me easily off the floor and turns me around to face him. "I don't see why not. A girl needs a strong woman as her role model." I smile as I wrap my legs around his waist. He smiles and growls playfully as he pulls me close and kisses me deeply. I moan softly and kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my body as close to his as possible. As we kissed, I felt him moving and gently press my back into a wall. I pulled back to catch my breath, panting softly and smiling at him. "I'm sorry Captain but it's just odd that you'd be like this with me." He looked at me and raised his brow at me "First, stop calling me Captain already. Second, I know what type of woman I want to be with so stop doubting yourself and just enjoy it." Hearing that made me giggle and sigh some. "Sorry Kenpachi. I'll be a good girl, I promise" Looking up I saw a devious smile as he shoved me roughly against the wall and licked my neck, making me gasp in shock and pleasure. "What if I don't want a good girl?" In response, I growled softly and thrust my hips against his and raked my teeth down his exposed collar bone making him groan.

I feel his hands move down and grab my ass tightly as he lifts me some and carries me to his bed, nearly throwing me down onto it. Before he could get in bed with me, I got on my fours and growled playfully at him. He smirked and pushed me onto my back with ease and forcefully kisses me again, getting rougher. Moaning softly, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He moves one of his hands down my Shihakusho and pulls it open, exposing the light undershirt I always wear under my heavy outfit. I help him get the bulk of the outfit off, still never breaking the kiss. He pulls away, panting softly, and looks me over. "I hate these damn outfits. Can never tell how ya look underneath them." I giggled some and moved my lower body for him as he pulls off my hakama, leaving me in just my undershirt and red, silk panties. As he looked over me again with hungry eyes, I couldn't help but blush and try to cover myself some. He gently grabbed my wrist away from my chest and kissed my wrist. "Do you not want this?" I let out a soft moan as he trails kisses and nips from my wrist to my shoulder. "I never said that Kenpachi. I've just never..." Hearing my voice trail off he stopped and looked up at me with a combination of excitement and restraint. "Have you ever had sex?" Seeing his look made me blush brightly and shake my head no, letting my hair fall in my face some. He smiled and kiss my cheek, nuzzling my forehead. "Don't worry, I'll do my best to be as gentle as possible so you don't get too hurt." I nodded and ran my hands down his sides, making him shiver and kiss me again.

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