Poisonous Love

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Poisonous Love-

His eyes were just mesmerizing. The perfect combination of a milky brown- mixed with just enough of a dark chocolate looking color. The two colors precisely swirled in the orbs of his eyes. His head poised wonderfully on broad shoulders. Shaggy, beaded, brown hair flowed over and under his brilliant red bandana which sat tied on his head. Almond colored skin matching every single feature of his body perfectly.

The smirk paired along with it was enough to make any girl swoon- any. James Kidd was possibly the most attractive and deadliest pirate to ever sail the seven seas. His looks drawing you in- his undeniable charm preparing you for the kill... And then, before you even had a change to argue. He'd be gone. He stood out amongst his rag-tag group of pirates- not one even coming close to his incredible good looks.

Very few dared to seek him out, yet he'd seek you- even if you've every interest in not being found. That's what exactly happened to Aveline on one fine day.

Her life was rather ordinary if you ever decided to ask her, she lived as a regular Havana girl. Purchasing, tending, cooking, cleaning, selling... Every single thing that a girl such as her didn't want to be doing. Similiar to every other girl clustered in that town she longed for something better- a life full of adventure and mischief and taking risks.

James Kidd could help her. As well as every other pirate buddy he obtained in Nassau- Edward Kenway, Ed Thatch, Ben Hornigold, Charles Vane, and Jack Rackham. Though, she wanted James help- and James's help only.

"Men like that will poison yer soul," Aveline's mother would alway warn when she had gone off on several rants about those certain particular pirates. "Trust me, take in no part with them."

But Aveline never paid any mind to her mothers words, like any rebellious young girl.

She never expected James to just waltz into Havana like it was nothing- nor did she expect the outcome of their meeting...


Aveline swore to herself silently as she sauntered down Havana's market district, a woven basket held tightly in her arms as she stared down at the various pieces of produce that had been imported just that morning. She absolutely despised chores and every single aspect of them- she also hated being a woman in the 1700's.

Her vicious red hair blew in the wind, as she always refused to put it up like a 'proper woman' as he mother had put it. The fabric of her beige dress loose on her body the way she preferred. 

Aveline's pale and nimble hands wrapped around yet another firm, red, apple as she placed it in her near full basket. She felt relieved to almost be done with her tedious chore of shopping. Retrieving the last of the items on her mother's rather extensive list she turned to make way, brushing past several other woman stuck with the same job as she. They eyed her carefully as she passed them- making note of both Aveline's dress and hair.

Rolling her sharp, green, eyes slowly and inconspicuously she continued her slow journey through the crowd of Havana townspeople. 

It was as if she was a fish swimming through the wrong current.

Growing quickly impatient- as Aveline always did- she took a quick right, down a rather uncrowded alley way. Most might see it as a sketchy place to not associate with but Aveline saw it as a shortcut and a road less traveled- so she took it.

An unsettling silence wrapped around her as she drew the woven basket closer to her side, the produce shifting uncomfortably inside. Aveline quickened her stride, growing annoyed with herself for becoming frightened of such foolish things. Her dull shoes slapped the paved ground as she hurried.

Looking over her shoulder quickly, her intense red hair blew in her face, obstructing her vision. She looked forward again, shaking the hair from her face as she walked. She almost didn't register the man blocking her path.

She stopped suddenly, dust rising up around her as he feet stopped moving abruptly.

A playful smirk was plastered on his face as he stood there, his noticeably red bandana blowing freely in the slight Havana breeze.

James Kidd.

Aveline found herself with her mouth agape, her basket falling to the ground in awe. The fruits tumbling from it's hold and into the Havana dirt. 

"Hello, lass"' James cooed as he took several steps forward, his arms crossed coyly over his chest. "It seem that you've dropped something."

Aveline stood, completely in shock and awe at the presence of the handsome young lad besides her, outfitted in his regular ensemble. She silently yelled at herself for acting like such a school girl.

He bent down swiftly, collecting her fallen fruit and vegetables from the ground.

"It seem they've gotten a bit dusty- nothin' a little water can't fix." His accent was smooth and seductive as he spoke. Everything she had imagined after hearing the stories people spread about him.

Aveline continued to stare as he straightened up in front of her, handing her the basket with care.

"Perhaps I could help," he offered with a wink.

Aveline just offered an absent nod before he grasped her arm.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" he almost purred as he grew closer to her face, his hot breath on her neck.

She just stared wide eyed as James offered another wink before grasping her arm.

"I'll get you talking soon enough, Aveline."

Aveline had no idea how he had learned her name- but she didn't care. It sounded like pure perfection as it rolled off his tongue.

She followed him without question- not ever wanting to be apart from him.

Her mother was right- She would never recover from this. Just the mere sight of James Kidd had indeed poisoned her soul.


Note- James Kidd is indeed a man in this- no cross dressing business. I'd also like to point out that this would totally be me if James just waltz right in front of me like the sneaky snake he is.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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