Chapter 1 - Things We've Done

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Blood splatters against my face as I engulf my pocket knife into yet another walker's skull. I watched as its body fell limp and crumpled onto the ground lifelessly. I almost felt sorry for it. Almost.

"Nice one Amelia." My new friend Jane said, walking up behind me with her machete in hand.

I met Jane on the side of the road a couple days ago. She was covered by a bunch of walkers and I helped her out of it. It's not that she's weak or anything, there were just so many of them that she couldn't handle them all at once.

I had been on my own for weeks when I met her. It was terrible. I was always lonely, missing the group. I had regret leaving, but I knew it was the only chance I'd have to find what's left of my real family. Jane decided it'd be best to come along with me, if there was any safe area in Florida that's where she'd want to be.

Even with Jane around, I'm still always thinking of the group. Like if they even survived the whole Governor situation. The thought that they might be dead is what keeps me awake at night.

"Thanks," I forced a smile back at Jane. "We should keep moving. We need to find a place to stay for the night. Seems like just a couple hours before it starts to get dark."

"Yeah, well road leads that way," Jane replied pointing ahead of us. "but there is a car trail coming right off into the woods there." She pointed to the left side of the road where there were two lines for tire marks going into the woods. "That means there's gotta be a house or something over there."

I put my knife in my pocket and put my hands on my hips.

"Do we wanna risk it and go that way or just keep following the road for who knows how long?" I asked.

"Well, I say we try the trail. If there isn't a house down there we can always just make a fire and spend the night in the woods." Jane said shrugging her shoulders and spitting on the ground.

"Yeah. You're right." I said nodding. "Let's head that way."

I turned around to walk towards the trail when suddenly I felt really dizzy and almost fell over. Jane caught me until I quickly regained my balance and put my hands on my knees.

"Woah," Jane breathed, letting go of my arm but staying close just in case. "what was that?"

"I don't know," I said standing back up slowly. "must be vertigo or something."

"You good?" She asked watching me curiously.

"Yeah," I breathed. "I'm good. Let's get going shall we?"

Jane nodded, still watching me cautiously to make sure I don't fall again.

As we walked in silence for the first 5 minutes, I thought it'd be best to make some small talk.

"So I never asked," I started, still looking around the trail for walkers. "why where you alone when I found you?" Jane's facial expression seemed to darken as she stared ahead.

"I was with a group." She stated blatantly. "But they were bad people. They had done some terrible things, made me do some terrible things. They told me that if I didn't I would be weak and I would die in this world." Jane exhaled loudly, tears brimming the corners of her eyes until she shook them away. "I was only with them because it was safe. I had planned on leaving in the middle of the night once, but they caught me." Her voice trailed off slowly.

I knew they had done something to her, but I didn't want to slam her with questions about her past. But I did want to know the answer to something.

"What kind of things?" I asked finally turning to look at her. When I saw her confused look I repeated my question. "What kind of things did they make you do?" Jane's facial expression turned stormy as she turned away from me and stared straight ahead once more.

"Terrible things. So terrible that I don't know if I can ever forgive myself." The tears coming down her cheeks are slowly becoming more and more prominent. "They made me kill people. People that were completely innocent, who were just there... They didn't even do anything wrong! They made me torture people. Torture them until they became too weak for it, and then they killed them."

When Jane stopped talking, I knew there was more to tell. She started chewing the inside of her lip as if she didn't want to tell me something. But she did anyway.

"But the worst part," She started. "The worst thing that they ever made me do, was make me watch. They raped girls, who we're pleading for me to help, but I couldn't. I just had to watch. If I didn't, they would kill me." She gave a pity laugh. "I was too selfish."

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't comfort Jane, I've never been in a situation like that before and I've never done anything like that. The only things I've ever killed are animals and walkers.

After that, we continued to walk down the dirt road in complete silence, the only sounds that were heard were the leaves and sticks cracking beneath our feet.

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