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"Hello!" A tall brown-haired man greeted as 7 boys walked into the small house. None of the 7 boys knew why they were there, half of them didn't even know where they were.

"I'm assuming none of you know why you're here?" The tall man said.

"I was told this was going to be a music camp kind of thing." A short mint haired boy spoke.

"I wasn't told anything. I was just shoved out the door and into the car then drove here and kicked out of the car." The shortest one there said as he moves up so he could actually see the tall brown-haired man.

"My mom just drove here on the way back from Starbucks and kicked me out of the car and said bye." A half blonde half red-haired kid said with a small voice crack on the word 'bye'.

"Well, this is not a music camp." The Brown-haired man started. "This is a therapy camp to cure your illness."

All 7 boys tilted their heads and asked "What illness" at the same time then looked at each other and back at the man standing in front of them all.

"Homosexuality." The tall man simply said.

"Being gay isn't an illness." A taller boy with dark purple hair stepped forward.

The man shook his head and decided to ignore the dark purple-haired boy.

"ok so everyone go ahead and put your bags that you were probably kicked out of a car with down and meet me in the dining room." After speaking the man left and walked into what everyone assumed was the dining room.

After everyone put their bags down by the couch, which was right next to the door, they headed to the dining room.

"Take a seat everyone." The brown-haired man told them.

Once everyone had sat around the table the man started to talk again.

"Ok, so we're all going to introduce ourselves. Let's start with me. Hello, I am the one who will be looking after you and getting rid of your gayness. my name is not very important, please just call me sir." The man smiled and pointed towards a tall boy with light blonde hair, "you go next."

"Uhm, hi. I'm Taehyung, I'm 15 years old." Tae awkwardly smiled and looked down.

"And how did your parents find out you were gay?" The man that wanted to be called 'sir' asked.

"O-oh. I was found cuddling in bed with my ex-boyfriend Jackson."  Taehyung looked down with a sad expression on his face. You could tell he used to love his ex by the way he looked after mentioning him.

"Ok now next." The man pointed at the boy with half blonde half red hair.

"Hello, I'm Jungkook, I am 14 years old and my parents found my dildos and the pictures I have of my ex-boyfriend on my phone." He smiled cutely.

"How can he just smile after saying that." A short pink-haired boy asked while trying not to laugh.

"I don't know," Taehyung said while looking at Jungkook like he needed a lot of mental help.

"Anyways I'm next I guess." The pink-haired boy started. "Hi! I'm Jimin, I'm 15 almost 16 years old! I was caught being fucked by my friend." Jimin said pretty happily. "Best sex of my life though." He smiled.

Everyone looked at Jimin disgusted.

"Tmi," the tall one with purple hair said.

"Whatever," Jimin said. "It's your turn." He turned to the purple-haired boy.

"Hi I'm Kim Namjoon, I'm 16 years old. My parents caught me watching gay porn."

Everyone started laughing at him.

"Do you not lock your door while watching porn?" A shorter boy with a long face and black hair commented.

"Well, I didn't think my parents were at home." Namjoon looked down trying to hide from the embarrassment.  "Can the next person please go." he looked up to talk then back down at his lap.

"Ok, Hi!" A male with light purple hair spoke, "I'm Kim Seokjin, I am 16 years old. My dad found out I was gay because all of the pride stuff I post on my Instagram account."

Jin looked towards the next boy that has to introduce himself. 

"Hi, I'm Hoseok!!" The cute and energetic boy started introducing himself. "I'm 16 years old and I came out to my parents." After he finished speaking he looked at the very cute mint haired boy next to him.

"um. hello, I am Min Yoongi. I honestly just want to sleep, when can I leave."

"You will leave once you're cured." 'sir' said.

"Goddamnit, I'm never leaving this place." Yoongi frowned. "Ok anyways. I'm 16 just like most of you and my parents just knew somehow."

"Wow, your parents must be pretty smart." Jimin pointed out.

"Ok, now that you all know each other lets pick rooms!" The 'sir' said excitedly.

"I have you all in pairs of two or three." The man said before picking up a paper with names on it. "One of the rooms will have three people, the others will have two. I will tell you now who you are paired with. Namjoon you are with Yoongi."

"Damnit I wanted to be paired with the cute one with pink hair" Yoongi looked at Jimin who started blushing and looked away.

"That wouldn't help with your illness at all."

"Yeah, you're not going to help either. No one will."

The man shook his head and continued reading the list.

"Jimin you're with Hoseok and Jin. Jungkook you are with Taehyung."

"Oh ok he's cute." Taehyung commented.

"On second thought Taehyung you're switching with Jin." Sir said before pointing towards the room and walking away.

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Idk what I'm writing tbh but I hope u enjoyed. I'm hoping I won't forget about this story in five minutes.

Words: 966

House of Gays || BTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon