I need you

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Those chocolate eyes.
His smile.
His awkward blushing around me.

I needed him in my arms

He's popular and would never love me.I'm as bland as a plan cup of black coffee.

I needed him

I write down notes and finish the dumb homework Mrs.Williams gave us,our math teacher.I couldn't get him out of my mind,he's stuck there.Denis,he's adorable.

Leo stop,you're just going to get hurt again..

I'm pathetic

I tug my sleeve over my burning cuts over my wrist.Loves fucked up..I lose track of the lecture Mrs.Williams is giving,and just want to walk out of class,find Denis into my arms,I can't believe he's gay.It overwhelms me with joy and I love it.I want to protect him.

I hear my name being cooed by Mrs.Williams.


I look up, starting to pay attention to her,an hour passes and now I have to act like I dislike Denis.

Maybe not :)

I walk out of class to my locker and see Denis and a blonde girl from the cheer team.Then my heart shatters.

She kisses him.

I drop my book and Denis breathlessly looks over and a tears filling his eyes.

Why's he crying?

I pick it up frantically and rush to my locker,that's been spray painted the words "Youre a fat faggg from Denis ;)", and I almost fall to my knees in defect and cry.I hiccup and throw my books in anger and sadness,slamming my locker as soon as I do Denis crashes into me..

"Get off.."he tightens his grip around my stomach and my heart breaks as I rip his head away from me and point to to my locker.

"I-I didn't-I I-I.."

I sigh as he studders.

"Denis..Why'd you do it?"

I loved him

"My-y f-riends found out that I starred at you a-a-alot and wanted to show me that I wa-sn't g-ga.."

I'm not thinking straight.. (Omg I'm f u n n y)

My lips crash into his,the taste of cherry ChapStick lingers on his lips,I pull him close as I bend over trying to keep our lips together.


He's kissing me.His grip on me tightens as my hands find there way underneath his shirt.

I needed this.

We finally pull away,I pout slightly.

"You're the one special guy",I blush even more madly.

"I better be",Leo says with a slight tear running down his cheek caressing my own,he grins with joy.

"I better be,,"he whispers softly.

God don't let this be a dream

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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