Your Fault.

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Hi Sisters! This was requested by Adam_H_24. This mentions suicide just to let you know. Hope you like it my dudes especially Adam.
"Why don't you take a dive off a roof!" Kacchan yelled in front of everyone in the class including the teacher. Everyone just laughed and agreed with him. Even the teacher. "Ok." I said with a smile. The class quieted down. Whispers echoed the silent room. Kacchan looked at me like with a expression that i couldn't explain. Just before the bell rang signaling its time to go home he tried to say something. I ignored and got up. "Ill see you later Kacchan." I said and walked away heading home. Since my home's an apartment and on a high floor I can do it there. I've been planning this for a while now. Ive made the letters for everyone. Even Kacchan. I was finally home, I took my shoes off, put the letters on my desk and looked down. This is going to hurt but a this point I dont care, as long as I dont have to live anymore. I know my mom will be lost without me but I can't deal with this anymore. I hope Kacchan will be happy about this, this is all he's ever wanted since 4th grade. I was already outside my window, sitting on the ledge. I smiled lightly and leaned forward letting go of the surface. The fall was so quick. I felt nothing. Nothing at all, everything was dark and quiet. I opened my eyes and looked around.

What the hell aren't I suppose to be dead? I looked down. My eyes widen. I got up quickly. I was laying on my body. Theres blood everywhere, my head is broken with blood pouring around "me." I look around and then my body. I was in a different outfit. I had a white cover over me, it had childish designs. I still had my red signature shoes (Basically hes in his Halloween outfit).

Its so dark around here. I walked in a random directions that was until I saw a light. I ran to it, it's a red lantern. I picked it up since it doesnt seem to be used by anyone.  I started to walk around it looked like the city but dull and grey. I noticed that werent any dead people but only the living I gasped as I saw my mom. She looks so depressed, I ran up to her. "Mom!" I yelled and hugged her, well tried too but I went right through her! What's happening? I saw her talking to someone behind me, turned around and saw Kacchan.

He's wearing a UA school uniform there were also other people with him too. This red haired dude put his arm on Kacchans shoulder he didn't push his arm off, the anger inside me started to bulid. "This is Kirishima." Kacchan said after Mom asked who the boy was, holy shit puberty hit his throat hard but in a good way.  "He's my best friend." Kacchan said. "Yea! Nice to meet you ma'am!" Kirishima said. "Nice to meet you too." Mom said. "I have to go. You two have a nice day." Mom said and walked away. The two nodded and walked the opposite direction from my mom.

The two were talking as I followed them. "How do you know her?" Red head said. "She's someone that is friends with my old hag." Kacchan said quickly seemingly trying to avoid the topic. "Oh. Alright." Red head said.

Then all of a sudden an idea came to mind. Hes made my life a living hell so why dont I? I did research about the dead talking and writing to the living. I plan on doing both or at least one of them. I noticed the two spilt up. Damn I need to stop spacing off. Kacchan got home and went inside. I went through the wall. Are these dorms? Kacchan yelled at his someone with yellow hair and then went up stairs. I followed. His room was clean. Didnt think it would be, thought that he'd have a mess. Like all his walls destroyed or clothes every where but there wasn't. He plopped down on his bed. His face in his pillow. I looked around and saw Kacchans desk. There were paper and all that. I took a piece of paper and started to write on it.

           Hi Kacchan.

I wrote. Then placed it between his papers. I saw him get up and walk to his desk. He sat down on his chair dramatically and started to do his homework? I don't know, all I know is that i want him to read that note. He finally opened to the page i left the note in. He looked at it for a few, his expression was blank and then went to pure anger.  "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" He yelled. I jumped back a little and the smiled. He ran out of his room. It gave me time to write other one.
                  Goodnight Kacchan

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