People just don't understand

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  • Dedicated to My weird and crazy friend Aliza Garcia

Some people just don't understand. Why? You ask. I am quite fequently called weird, crazy, insane, etc. I mean I always take this as a compliment. What kind of person would I be if I din't? A boring one, duh. People seriously, I know I'm crazy. KInd of like my stuffed owl, Flying pickle (Yes, that is quite seriously his name.) Well at least in my mind he's quite crazy.

        Now I'm just starting to sound schitzophrenic. Jeezus I need to work on that. Balppity blappity blah blah  I'm  not a schitz bloopy bloop. Anyways way off topic there. Altough... no no never mind. I'll pick back up on that on another page. I belive this calls for a proper introduction well (Did you see what I did there? Panic! at the Disco reference) I'm Alaxandria (No MIcrosoft, I didn't misspell my own name) Hope Derby. I usually go by Lexy (Yet again microsoft, no. Jeez louezus) Okay, focus. I'm a failure. Only my family and Aliza can understand my weird and random trains of thought.

        Wow! Can I not focus? Okay I'll try to stay on topic. And emphasis on try. Haha. Anyways. During class I randomly started talking to myself . I totally forgot my freind was right there. He seriously turned to me with, I swear to mother-loving god the most confused expression ever. I was arguing with myself  over bands *Cough* Panic! at the Disco *Cough*Fallout Boy *Cough* What are you talking about, I said nothing. *spasticlly moves hand and tries to act innocent but ends up looking like a drowning fish*

        I mean that wasn't the first time I've been randomly arguing with myself. Usually it's in my head. But I said usually. Have you ever seen Danisnotonfire's "I Talk to Myself" If you haven't, You should. Just saying. But seriously, that's exactly what I do. Except it's not  only aruments. It's full freaking lenght conversations.

        It also doesn't stay on one topic. Like I can start talking about Panic! at the disco (If you haven't noticed my weird obsession with Panic! at the Disco, 1. You're blind 2. Now you do) and then somehow it will switch to Imagine Dragons. Then, because I listened to Imagine Dragons WHile reading it, it will switch to The Birthmarked trilogy By Caragh M. O'brein. *PIcks up book and hugs it* Yeah, I hug books. Don't judge me! Just kidding! Judge me, I don't care. And for whatever reason, I could not type 'care'

        My laptop hates me, I swear to god.*Rams head into wall* Why world? Why must electronics hate me?

        And in the middle... wait I'm sorry. That must have made you all have a "Shemur?" moment (If you didn't get that first I feel sorry for you, second It's a exclamation of confusion in all basicallity) Okay. Anyways, in the middle of... I totally just forgot what I was about to say. I'm sorry.These conversations with myself usually take at least 2 hours.It weirds people out when they walk into a room and I happen to be there talking myself. It's just really akward after that

Me:"You heard that, didn't you?"


Me:"Well, this is akward."

Person: Nods" Yep"

Me: Points to the door "I'm just gonna go"

        And that is quite seriously the conversation. It's ridiculously odd (A referance to guess what? Panic! at the Disco! I bet you never guessed) Usually after the exchange is over, I head to another room and continue the conversation. I have a feeling when I reading, I look like a bunny hyped up on Red Bull (Red Bull, blegh) I randomly jump around and laugh because I like to pretend I'm a character I made up and I'm in the story.

        I do that a lot actually. It's quite fun. Anyways. That is the end of my weirdness. For today, that is. I'll see you tomorrow with even more weirdness. Muwhahahahaha. See you then! Bubye! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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