Chapter 6

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I'm not gonna do a recap because I don't want to simple as, ok? OK.also I want on a break and I'm back. Thank you to Random_nerd4 for commenting.
💜Shins pov💜
We entered the room, it was incredibly dark and we couldn't see a thing. I saw seros hand reach towards the light switch but I swatted it away. I called out Kamis name

'kam.. Are you OK? Where are you...' I heard a whimper from the corner of the room and my heart stopped. I was the first to react, then mina and surprisingly bakugo third. We all comforted him and whispered supportive things in his ear, we didn't know what was going on but kiri seemed to understand. He came over and placed a gental hand on his shoulder and pulled him into a comfortably tight hug, kami crying onto the side of his neck.
After a while, his breath stuttered and he breathed his first sentence.
'Shin-Shin. Can I speak to you outside?' it was almost silent but we all heard.

'of course kam.' no one commented on the nicknames we gave each other. He held out his hand and I pulled him gently to his feet. I helped him into a corridor and he collapsed into my arms. I held him close to my body, feeling his hot breath on my skin. He was crying in my arms as whispered everything to me.
'who did this too you?'

He laughed. Shaking his head he said 'I can't tell you that, you'll kill him.'

                                              'Shin-Shin? Can I sleep with you tonight?'
'yes kami don't worry about it' I said blushing furiously. His grip around me tightened and I hugged back just as desperately. After a while like this, we decided to go back to the room. We saw kirishima and bakugo locked in an embrase and sero comforting mina, stroking her back. They looked up and smiled at us and we swiftly left the class room, a new person had a death wish and the Bakusquad will give it to them.

*time skip to sleepy boy times*
We stopped off at Kamis room so he could grab some clothes but we both knew he would take one of my hoodies like he always does. He came out his room, puffy eyed like he had a silent cry whilst he had been getting some "clothes". I held my arm out and he wrapped it round his shoulders, we walked in a comfortable silence down the corridor towards my room. I grabbed a hoodie for me and kam and he pulled it over his head and put on the shorts he had chosen from his room. The hoodie was so big on his that it came down halfway towards his knees and you could hardly see the shorts. He climbed onto the bed and got under the covers. After I had gotten ready, I joined him and cuddled up to him, playing with strands of his hair between my fingers. After a while I heard heavy breathing so I decided to confess to him. I knew he was asleep but I still thought he heard me. I decided I didn't care if he heard me and cuddled up even closer, his forehead on my chest.

Kamis pov
' I don't know how to explain this kaminari but I think I love you. I just forget how to breathe and the world stops when you smile. I will protect you no matter what happens and I know you would do the same. You are the most important person to me. You are beautiful, perfect, delicate but strong. Even when your short circuited. You don't care about how others think about you and I love you for that. Good night kam. Please forget about what happened today and grow stronger. People are always here for you. They love you.'

I was silent but I heard everything. I wanted to hug him and tell him that it was mutual but I managed to control my breathing and pretend I was asleep. He hugged me closer and I snuggled up against him even closer. After a while, I heard his purr like snores and I said

'I love to too hitoshi shinsou'

ANDDD I'M BACK BISHES. word count: 718. Sorry its short but I went on a break from wattpad for a bit. I'm going to try and be more active and Im going to start tagging people who comment on my work. Thanks for reading ily goodnight.

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