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A chilly wind whistles through the city as Danny, Lucy, and I walk down the street; making my ponytail whip around my face. I should've put my hair in a bun today, like I did Lucy's. At least I'm not the only one; Danny's shoulder length hair is flying around his face as well.

"Bleugh," Danny spits, shaking his head. "The struggles of long hair, huh?" He gives me a warm smile and nudges my arm with my elbow. I chuckle and nod.

"Sometimes, I consider just cutting most of mine off." I admit. The urge to run my fingers through my hair comes over me, but I don't; I don't want to mess it up any more.

"So, why don't you?" Danny reaches out, touching the tips of my hair. "It's pretty long."

"I can't. My mom used to tell me all the time how much she loved my long hair, and how much she loved doing my hair. I don't think I could do that to her." A memory flashes through my mind of my mom braiding my hair and I wince; it still hurts to think about her. I can see questions in Danny's eyes, but he doesn't ask them. Silently, I thank him.

"Oh. Well, uh," Danny clears his throat and averts his gaze. "We're almost there, it shouldn't be more than two or three more minutes." He smiles, and I can see a hint of what looks like pity in it.

I give him a strained smile back and say, "Great, I can't wait to get out of this wind."

"Me too!" Lucy agrees, shivering beneath her coat. If we weren't around someone who's basically a stranger, I'd wrap my arm around her to try and warm her up.

Finally, we come to a long bus, sitting alone aside from a couple vans in a parking lot. One of the windows of the bus, higher up than my head, is open and I can hear arguing inside. I shoot Danny a look.

He grimaces, "Sorry, they do that sometimes. I'm sure they'll stop once they see Lucy."

"If you're sure." I sigh. Danny smiles and steps up into a little platform just below the bus door. He pulls at the handle, but the door doesn't budge.

"Guys!" Danny bangs a first against the door with a scowl. The bang seems to startle Lucy, and she steps behind me.

I reach behind myself with a free hand and rest it on top of Lucy's head, "It's okay, Luc. It's alright."

The door pops open, nearly knocking Danny off the platform. "Danny, you're back!" A shorter man, with curly hair stands in the doorway and smiles. It only takes him a split second to notice Lucy and I and he steps off of the bus.

"Well, hello." He smiles at me and takes my hand. "I don't believe we've met."

"This is Anette and Lucy, they're moving onto the bus for the rest of tour." Danny explains.


"Her aunt is a bitch so we're taking her in. Come on in, come meet the guys. That's Josh, by the way." Danny waves me onto the bus as he steps on. I take a step back so Lucy and I are side by side and the two of us walk up to the bus door, followed by Josh.

After stepping up onto the platform, I pick Lucy up and set her against my hip. She's always been a light kid, but it's been worse the past two weeks. I step onto the bus, pulling Lucy closer to me as I do.

Two other men are sitting on the bus, both similar looking to Josh. It reminds me of photos I've seen of Lucy and I when we were younger, so I assume they're brothers. They both look up at us, with similarly confused expressions.

"Sam, Jake, this is Anette and Lucy. They're going to stay with us for the rest of tour." Danny wraps an arm around my shoulder and pats the top of Lucy's head. "Anette, Lucy, this is Sam and Jake; they're Josh's brothers."

"Erm, why is a random girl and her child staying with us?" Jake asks, eyebrow arching.

"Sister. Lucy is my sister."

"Okay, why is a random girl and her sister staying with us?"

"Reasons. Just, please, try to keep inappropriate stuff and fighting to a minimum. Please?" Danny pulls his arm away and gives Jake a pleading look. I smile. Danny really does want to make sure the bus is safe for Lucy; it's sweet.

Jake shrugs, "Alright."

"You can go ahead and sit down." Danny gestures to the couch with a smile. I set Lucy down on the couch first and help her to unbutton her coat. As I'm pulling the coat off her shoulders, I realize there's a stain on the side of Lucy's shirt. How had I not noticed that before?

"Dammit," I mumble under my breath. "Hey, Luc, let's change your.." I trail off. I'm such an idiot, I didn't think to grab mine or Lucy's suitcases from my car.

"Everything okay?" Danny asks.

"I left our suitcases in my car, like an idiot," I groan. "Put your jacket back on, Luc, we have to go get our stuff."

Lucy whines, "I don't wanna go!"

"She could stay here. I'll stay with her." Danny offers. I open my mouth to protest, then close it. Much as I want to make Lucy come with me, I don't want to be over protective of her, and Danny seems safe enough.

"Alright." I say quietly. "I'll be right back, okay, Luc?"

"Okay, Annie!" Lucy hugs my arm tightly and smiles up at me. God, she's such a cute kid.

"Wait! Let me put on a jacket and I'll come with you!" Josh calls before disappearing down a hallway. He returns a moment later, now wearing a coat, and smiles at me. "Okay, I'm ready."

I chuckle under my breath. Maybe staying with these guys won't be so bad.

Start Anew (A Greta Van Fleet Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें