What Pick-Up Line He Uses

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As always, Rin and I were ditching class. I was ditching art, and he was ditching his pharmaceuticals class, since it was both of our last periods. He took me to the roof of his dorm building, since him and Yukio have one all for themselves. We sat up there until the sun set, just looking at everybody walking beneath us and throwing stuff at their heads and having them look around to see who threw it at them. Rin then saw a quarter on the ground and picked it up, rolling it around between his fingers. 

"You know (Y/N)... If I had 4 quarters to give to the 4 prettiest girls in the world, you would have a dollar." I blushed at what he told me and turned away from him, pathetically trying to hide my flushed face. 

"W-Where'd you find that pick-up line Rin...?" He shrugged and looked at me.

"Just simply stating facts. I just thought of it right now looking at this quarter." I rolled my eyes and snuggled up to his arm. 

"You're so corny Rin, I swear..." He chuckled and rested his head on top of mine. 

"Nice to see you two having fun and relaxed..." Rin and I immediately sat up and saw a ticked off Yukio. "Care to explain why both of you were missing for your last period?" Rin and I looked at each other, then back at Yukio, sweat dropping.


 Currently, I was sitting on Yukio's desk while he was teaching his class. I noticed a pink haired guy just gawking at me. I glared at him and pointed to the board, signaling him to pay attention to what Yukio is teaching. He saluted me then turned to look at Yukio, who was writing something on the chalkboard. I didn't know how I got so lucky to have someone like him. He cocked his head at me, signaling if I was okay. I smiled and winked in response, telling him I'm fine.  He smiled and went back to writing. 

~•~•~• Timeskip ~•~•~•

Once class was over, I went to erase everything Yukio had on the board so he could rest for a while. I sorted his papers and helped him grade them while taking out his glasses and putting them on. Now, I didn't need glasses, I just liked wearing his glasses. When I was in the middle of grading his papers, I felt him staring at me. 

"Anything wrong Yukio?" He shook his head and smiled at me. 

"Roses are red, and violets are blue... There's nothing in the world more prettier than you..." I looked back down at the papers, blushing. 

"Thank you, Yukio... You really didn't have to say that..."

"Then how else would I tell you that you're the most beautiful girl in the world?" I looked back at him and tilted my head. 

"You're too cute Yukio... Lemme finish grading these papers.", I said with a smile and a faint blush. He chuckled then went back to leaning back in his chair. 

"Alright then..."


Here I was, under the all famous sakura tree with Bon studying. We had an upcoming test and we had our textbooks and notebooks out so we could make sure we ace this test. 

"Ok, Bon... So when did you say this test was going to happen?" He flipped his notebook page and looked up  at me. 

"Uh... Next week?" This was strange... Bon never answered a due date in question! There's something wrong here. I decided to test this out and ask him more questions.

"Alright then. Do you know the answer to the 34th question?" He looked down at the paper I was holding out to him and thought...

We stayed like this for a good 5 minutes before I spoke up. 

"Bon.. are you alright? You aren't acting like yourself... You answered about the due date when I asked you in question and you're taking too long to answer this question... Are you ok?"

He chuckled and shook his head. 

"What's wrong?"

" You spend so much time on my mind, I should start charging rent." I immediately turned away and went back to my textbook. 

"L-L-Let's just get back to s-studying..." I heard Bon chuckle and kiss my cheek. 

"Sure thing."


It was Shima and I's movie night. He went to grab some quick snacks at the store. I went to grab the blanket and make some quick food. I've been getting some cooking lessons from Rin lately, so I decided to make one of the recipes.

By the time I was done with the food, Shima came back from the store. He had two bags of pure junk food he got for our night. 

"Woah, (Y/N). What's all this..." I smiled and walked over to him. 

"Well I figured, why not do a little something for our night. I feel bad for having you go out and get the snacks all the time. This is just a little something I learned from cooking with Rin a few times." After I mentioned Rin, his eyes lit up and he ran over to the plates of food I've set up. 

"Well if you learned from Rin, then I'm digging right in." He took a huge spoonful of the food I made and it looked like he was in heaven. 

"I was so content with my life one day, I asked God 'What could be better than this?' And then I met you..." I giggled and went over to him. 

"Thanks, babe. But, you're drooling. I don't know if it's over the food or me." I walked off, letting him eat and setting up everything in the living room. 


Today was one of those days where Amaimon and I hung out in public during the day. We were out in the city, buying candies and some clothes in stores. I had to keep Amaimon from stealing some food and clothes from stores because he didn't really know that you had to pay for them. While walking around, we came around this magician doing a show for some kids at the park. 

"Oh my god, look Amaimon! He's so nice to do a free show for kids don't you think?" He nodded while nibbling on his lollipop.

"Yes, he is pretty nice to do that. (Y/N),Are you a magician; because when I see you, everyone else just disappears." I blushed and hugged him, burying my head in his chest. 

"You do know that was a pick-up line right Amaimon?" 

"Hm? What's a pick-up line? I was just saying the truth." I chuckled and kissed his cheek. 

"You're too innocent sometimes..."

Sorry for not updating guys. I've needed to take care of my baby (sister) and am dealing with high school classes. As you could probably tell, I kind of rushed for Shima and Amaimon because I felt bad for not updating and really wanted to finish... This isn't my best work but please understand you guys... I'll try to update sooner and make 'em longer. I promise. Thank you for reading this guys. 💓

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