Part One

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She came out of nowhere looking ready to strike at any moment. I was sitting across from Rzi and I felt the fear emmet from all her pures. Satani took her spot next to Rzi. Rzi immediately began shaking from head to toe. The teacher began the lesson, but I knew soon Satani would no longer be focused on the lesson but instead she would turn to her prey. Moments passed but it felt like years. I thought Rzi was going to have a heart attack. As Rzi was reaching her limit it happened. Satani turned to her and attacked. Rzi out of nowhere was taken down in one swift movement. Satani had taken Rzi down and had put her knife like arm around Rzi's neck. Everyone laughed, but secretly they were glad it wasn't them. Even the teacher pretend not to care, but he quivered with fear inside. For he knew if  he said anything to Satani he would be next. So instead he yelled at Rzi.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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