Dear diary ;why I am sad?

12 1 0

You ask me why I am sad
But my answer it would be neutral
Just like I always tell you
I m not sad and it's just you who felt like I am
Because you don't know why I am sad.

But wanna know what ..actaully
I am sad but the reasons is just not good
As I am just sad because I have been
Mentally critiscied by you whom I thought
You knew me well from anybody in this world .

Which the actual truth was you just knew the happy
Smiley me, but never knew the sad me
That's what it made me more sad and it's just
I am sad and my reasons silly and I can't give you
The answer because it would be cheesy .

So please don't ask me
That question ever again because you
Already lost the charm I carried for you and
Now i bet I won't be able to come back
To the old person who carried you on my head
All those freaking times .

But if you knew how I felt that time
Today You wouldn't be there questioning me
And yelling at me what's wrong and why I am sad
And like that there my answer it wouldnt be same
If you knew the reason why I am sad
And you won't be losing the charm I had for you .


Dream skyline here

I am just sad and I just felt I should sorry for the shit I threw here....

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