Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"C3rlift or bus rider?" Avi 3sked Vinci. "C3rlift." He 3nswered b3ck.
Avi shook her he3d in surprise. She never noticed him 3round- he
mustʼve 3lw3ys went e3rly.
"Wh333t?! Serioso?" Avi shockingly 3sked once more. Vinci nodded, "Actu3lly, first time ko l3ng ng3 m3gc3rlift lol."
Avi then stood silent 3long with Vi3n. Actu3lly, Vi3n w3s silent 3long their w3y xd.

"Sige n3. L3l3k3d n3 k3ming d3l3w3." Vi3n excl3imed. Avi smiled 3nd w3ved 3t Vinci, 3nd the two left; but Vinci cut them off.
"W3it! Tek3.. k3yong d3l3w3?!"
The two turned 3round 3nd Vi3n s3id yes. Vinci went up to join with them 3s he is w3lking 3s well.
"Lol, b3t k3 3ndito?" Vi3n 3sked with 3 tone on his voice. Vinci scoffed, "B3w3l b3?"
Vi3n looked to the opposite direction to where he w3s t3lking to Vinci to roll his eyes. Avi noticed 3nd sl3pped his b3ck, "Gr3be sy3 o."

"Ako? Ano n3m3n gin3w3 ko s3yo?" Vinci went shook mode. She folded her 3rms 3nd mumbled, "Hinde ik3w, sin3mp3l3n b3 kit3?" Avi 3dded. Vinci pl3stered 3 weird grin on his f3ce, "Di sorry. Gr3be sy3 o.." He then chuckled.
Avi ignored him 3nd the three of them w3lked without s3ying 3ny words.
Fin3lly, Avi 3nd Vi3n h3d re3ched their home- supposed to be Vi3nʼs but eh. Me3nwhile, Vinci w3ved goodbye 3nd continued w3lking on his w3y home.

'P3god meeee!" Avi gro3ned. She removed her b3ckp3ck 3s she l3ys down on the couch. Vi3n on the other h3nd.. quickly went to his room 3nd ch3nged. Once he finished, he got his phone 3nd went out to to sit beside Avi.
"Luh. N3k3bihis k3 n3?" She expressed with both confused 3nd

shocked looks on her f3ce. "H3h3h3, oo." He responded 3nd got the remote to turn on the tv, "Bihis k3 n3 k3y3." He comm3nded. Avi s3dly sighed, "Geh."
After Avi h3d dressed up into comfort3ble clothes, she r3ndomly gr3bbed his phone. "Hoyy! Gin3g3mit ko." Vi3n hissed. "Shush, n3k3-on n3 ng3 ung tv, m3g-fophone k3 p3.." Avi responded.
She then used his phone to se3rch up something.
"Gin3g3mit mo p3l3 rin eh." Vi3n excl3imed.
"M3nood t3yo ng movie." She s3id. "G3mitin mo phone mo lol." "Lowb3t."
"Ahh, fine. Anong movie?"
"Five Feet Ap3rt."
"Ung movie ni C3rl Sprouse?" He questioned 3g3in. Avi nodded.
She fin3lly found 3n online movie of it then connected his phone to the tv.

"Quiet k3 l3ng 3h. M3g3nd3 d3w toh." Avi decl3red. Vi3n smirked, "Ik3w ng3 dy3n ung m3ing3y." He then excused himself to get sn3cks from the kitchen.
When Vi3n got b3ck, the movie w3snʼt st3rting yet. "Chocol3te?" He 3sked. He g3ve her two b3rs of chocol3te 3s he 3lre3dy opened one for himself.
"B3t d p3 n3gst3-st3rt movie?" Vi3n questioned. "ANG TAGAL MAGLOAD OMG!" She yelled. Looks like her p3tience r3n out.
"Akin ng3." Vi3n gr3bbed his phone 3nd deleted most of his history there. He finished 3nd went b3ck to the site Avi se3rched to find movies.
"O, 3y3n." He puts his phone b3ck on the t3ble. After 3 while, the movie st3rted.
"YES. Tenks." Avi excl3imed. He welcomed her 3s he felt his f3ce w3rming up. God, he h3ted it.

Avi opened 3 b3r of chocol3te 3nd the two w3tched the movie without spe3king- eHem, quietly.

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