A Brand New Day

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airlee: Do you ever feel so worthless
Like you can pour so much love into a person and they don't care
They'd rather f*ck around with every girl in the world that's just using them
and neglect you who was there from the beginning
Before they even had a fraction of the money they now waste on those that don't love them for them
But I know I shouldn't care because I wasted love which I treasure more than money on him.
And he doesn't love me for me.
I don't know if he ever did.
But i want him too
So much
And it hurts.
I wish it never started but I wish it never ended
It's so embarrassing that when they run back
you welcome them with open arms for them to remind you you're just friends
They want something so sacred that you can never get back
but you can never go further than friends with benefits
Never again
And he took it
He took my innocence and I let him
Because I loved him
You know when you wish you could love someone else
And people always say you should use others to get a heartbreak off your mind
It doesn't help
Don't ever make that mistake
Because as you look at another person you think of all the ways they aren't like the one you want
And I feel so bad that people are nice enough to laugh with me but I don't want to laugh with them
How messed up is that
Why would someone love someone that selfish
He deserves to be happy
I don't

J : I'm sorry. I wish I could say I relate and give you advice but that's not true. I haven't been there, I probably never will. I'll be here for you though

airlee: i never said it was me I'm just fine
I'm fine

J:People tend to use first person when referring to themselves. Even if you didn't want to. You've been holding it in to long
And I know for a fact that "I'm fine" is a cry for help

airlee: I was just thinking that people who go through that pain probably need someone to lean on but struggle to trust others.
Even if I was to go through that, who would be there for me

J: I'll be there when the day comes. I'm not just saying that , I'm here for you

airlee: but I barely know you

J: so?

airlee:what do you mean

J: I'm here for you today, right now, because you're in pain right now. Lean on me

airlee: Jimin

J: yes

airlee: I wish I could love you instead
Even if you didn't love me back, you're an amazing person

J:why can't you?
Anyone would fall for this booty🤪

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