Real heroes

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They tell me I'm a bad girl.

I'm a bad influence.

I'm fucked up.

I'm no good.

But, they can't see.

They can't feel.

They don't know.

I'm trying my hardest.

I'm doing the best I can.

I am good.

I am good and just because you don't know the whole truth, doesn't mean I'm bad.

You expect me to be someone.

You expect me to agree with you.

Just because you think you are good.

And if I disagree, I'm bad.

But, what If I told you, that you are bad?

You are wrong.

You are no good.

Will that mean that I'm good?

That I'm a good person?

Or should I just bow down to you?

Should I hang down my head and nod?

Should I lose my own voice?

Will it make me be good?


No, you don't get to do that to me.

No matter how much you mean to me.

No matter how much your words matter.

No matter how much your opinion matters.

Mine is superior.

My opinion, my perspective, my point of view...

It's always superior.

I am the king.

You won't make me lose myself.

You won't make me believe I'm bad.

You won't make me crumble.

You won't make me break.

You can't.

I am my own king.

I am my own god.

I am myself.

I'm not you.

I'm not her.

I'm not him.

And I'm not anyone else but me.

I don't give a single fuck about your opinion if it makes me feel bad.

I'm sorry, but I don't give a fuck.

I am good.

I am good.

I am good.

And no one.

I repeat,

No one,

Will ever make me believe that I'm bad.

You don't know my story.

You don't know my life.

You don't know the real me.

So fuck you and your opinion.

Because, I am good and I am kind and I am someone that will make you feel good and I'm good.

I have done good things in life.

I have done bad things in life.

But, I have learned.

I have learned to hate myself, to be depressed, to harm myself, to hide it all...

But, I have learned to love myself, to have fun, to heal and to show myself to the world.

And, I have learned that the real heroes are the ones that make mistakes and learn from them.

Real heroes are the ones that don't give up.

That try to be good,

Work with good intentions,

And real heroes follow their voices.

They follow their truths.

They follow themselves.

Not their family, not their friends. Not strangers,

But themselves.

So, I'm sorry if you see no good in me.

I'm sorry that I'm below your expectations.

I'm sorry that you lost faith in me.

Because I will be a hero,

I will continue being good,

I will not give up,

I will be myself,

And you will see me save the world.

And you will be disappointed in yourself.

Because, you weren't there to support me.

You were there to bring me down.

You fucked up.

And you won't be able to congratulate me.

You won't be able to feel like you took part in being the good in world.

You won't be able to tell me "we made it"

Because, you will not be there with me.

You won't have been there to support me,

But to crush me.

To make me give up.

To make me believe that I'm not enough.

To make me believe that I'm no good.

Lastly, fuck off.

Just, fuck off because you are toxic and I don't need that shit in my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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