Waking up with you

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David let out a yawn. Boy, what a nice night of rest. After not getting a good night's rest in ages, David felt pretty good as he stretched his long limbs.

He over to see his lovely fiance, Gwen. She was still sound asleep. He smiled as he looked at her. His ocean green eyes calm just at the sight of her.
Let's just say Gwen was no sleeping beauty. None the less, David couldn't keep his eyes off her half the time.

He bit his lip and slipped behind her, cradling her body with his, in a spooning position. Gwen grunted a bit feeling him on her back. Her eyes fluttered open.
"David...?" She said very groggily. David cringed. "sorry to wake you up..I know I promised I'd stop using the whistle...it's not camp anymore after all..and I did! But..of course I still woke you...sorry." he chuckled. Gwen rolled her eyes, but smiled.

"It's okay..I don't mind.. especially if you wake me up like this. But you're lucky this time..last week I would have smacked you.. Because..well you know why " she bit her lip and cringed. David remembered. Oh what a burden it was being a woman, Gwen wasn't alone with that thought, amiright ladies?

"Oh come on..even before that you'd get mad." He challenged. Gwen was about to defend herself "I- you're right...I like sleep okay?" She couldn't help but smile.
David smiled back. Gwen turned herself to face David. "Ugh..you need to shave, babe. You've got a shit ton of stubble." She caressed his face with her thumb feeling the roughness of his unshaved face.

David felt his jaw line. "well..maybe it's about time " he uttered. Gwen yawned. She ran her fingers through his thick red hair, so soft and lovey.

David closed his eyes in pure content. He adored having his hair played with. But that was something he kept on the down low. of course, Gwen found out soon into the relationship.

Gwen let his red locks untwine with her fingers, David quickly pecked her lips. Oh what a sight to have every morning, Gwen thought.
"You're dumb face is the last thing I wanna see in the morning." She joked with a grin. David huffed. "Oh yeah..? " He scrunched his nose up and stuck his tongue out. Gwen laughed. "I'm serious~" the girl said playfully. David frowned and pretended to get upset.

"Oh boo hoo." She chortled. David opened one eye. "Heh..I love you~." He chirped. Gwen blushed. "I love you too..and I was kidding you're face is exceptionally handsome." The woman purred. David bit his lip. "Oh golly..you're too much Gwen.." he was all flustered. Gwen licked her lips and smiled, pressing her lips on his cheek and giving it a big smooch. David squealed and with that, he pulled her against his chest and held her there. "Ah you bastard!" She giggled, regardless of how hard she tried not to. David let a deep raspy laugh out as he was still groggily.

Her eyes were just so pretty to him. "golly..Gwen..who said you could be so darn stunning?" The red head asked  gingerly. Gwen has made the argument that she wasn't multiple times, and knew the question was more retoracle, so she left it alone.

"You're my one and only David." She let out a yawn as she uttered this.
David just hummed happily and sighed. "Want me to make breakfast?"
He asked her. "Mmyeah...pancakes?" She looked up to him. "Yep.." the man smiled.

With that, David kissed Gwen and got up to make some breakfast.

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