Conversation with a good friend p.2

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Conversation with a good friend p.2
It's okay I'm not entirely upset about it
"What do you mean?"
I mean this might be good for us
He hasn't been able to be around as much as before and we've been sightly neglecting eachother plus not being able to provide as much as we had before when he was still here
So sorta taking a break is probably gonna save our relationship in the future opposed to keeping it going now and ending every thing on bad terms
"See that's not bad...I'm so happy that your able to find something positive out of this"
For the most part I guess
"Well i know its still hard but just give him his time"
I will I know he needs it
I've been watching him fall apart the last month and a half so I'm giving him everything he wants me to do for him to be better right now
I'm just hoping he never wants me to give him me leaving completely
"He wont...if he realizes how much you mean to him and how much he means to you...he wont leave"
I hope he realizes that than.... I really don't want to lose a person like him.. even if it means not being with him

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