Chapter 3: The Horrible Fight

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Sidney isn't going to speak to Wyatt anymore and she looks at James. James said, "Hey beautiful." Sidney said, "Hey sweetie." James said, "You want to date me." Sidney said, "Sure." James kissed Sidney so much and he loves her. Sidney pulls away and said, "I was going to call you but I had a rough day yesterday." James said, "I'm really glad that you're feeling better and we can always be with each other." Sidney said, "I beg you so much to be with me." James said, "I know but that Wyatt guy is a real genius of dumping your heart." Sidney said, "Yeah and you are so attractive." James said, "I got some coffee ready and I'll give you some." Sidney said, "Thank you so much." Sarah said, "At least you love Sidney." James said, "Yes I do." Meanwhile at school, Wyatt feels a little uncomfortable with the drugs and he felt this is the real reason why he was addicted to the pills for trying to hurt Sidney's feelings. He felt that he wants to break up with Paige for Sidney and he really loves her. Paige asked, "Do you want to have the party at my house?" Wyatt said, "I can't and I want to date a new girl." Tyler said, "No way man." Tessa said, "Sidney is a loser and she doesn't loves you." Wyatt said, "I don't care what you guys think because I think that I'm falling for Sidney and doing all of this crazy stuff that we're doing is wrong." Seth said, "Oh really because you think that Sidney is the greatest that you ever met." Wyatt said, "Yes she is and I don't want nobody to hurt her. Sidney understands me and I really want her in my life." Paige said, "No you don't and I care about you more than anything in this world." Wyatt said, "I don't want anymore drugs because it doesn't make me feel great so I deserve to be Sidney and I really do love her more than anything." Paige saw the gang back to school and said, "You were supposed to tell us about what did she say to you." Wyatt felt like he didn't want to tell her about what Sidney says and he felt like he wanted not to tell her. Sidney said, "I thought that Wyatt was perfect but I guess that he wants drugs in his life." Hannah said, "He's a drug dealer." Sarah said, "Actually guys, it was Tyler and Marisol started to pass out drugs to almost everyone in the school with drugs at the party. Wyatt's parents doesn't do drugs in the house because they never raised Wyatt to be a drug addict." Sidney said, "Poor Wyatt." Chase asked, "Why do we see Paige acting too strange?" They looked at Paige and Wyatt said, "She didn't want me because she already knew that I will dump her heart by you and Sidney didn't really want me anymore because she knew about the plan." Wyatt felt worse and Paige said, "Oh really. I hope this will be the final one and I'll do something with her like right now." Paige starts walking and Sarah said, "Sidney, we have to go." Sidney said, "Let's go." They walk away but Paige trips Sidney and Sidney fell. Wyatt saw this happening and Tessa said, "Aww, the little loser fell." Sidney tries to get up and Paige got on top of her by starting the fight. Sidney yells, "HELP!" Paige is fighting with Sidney as the gang came over and Wyatt too. Paige rolls her and Sidney over. Paige kicked Sidney's nose twice and Sidney is hurt. Wyatt tries to break up with the fight and Sarah grabbed Paige's arms. The whole school saw the fight and Principal Johnson came over to them. A lot of teachers are out of their classrooms and Principal Johnson said, "Paige, come to my office and Sidney, you better go to the nurse." Principal Johnson took Paige to his office and Sidney is hurt. Sidney is in tears and Wyatt felt like his relationship with Paige is falling apart. Jack asked, "Are you alright, Sid?" Sidney sobs, "No." Wyatt got down on his knees and he saw the bruises on her arms again. Sidney is trying to sit up and Wyatt helps her. Sidney slowly turns around and she looks at Wyatt. Wyatt said, "Sidney, your nose." Chase said, "Oh my God." Hannah said, "We have to do something with your nose." Sidney sobs, "It's fine and this is how I am for the fights that I can't even win." Wyatt said, "Sid, you are lucky to be alive and you are safe no matter what." Tessa said, "You are the worse person to be innocent." Wyatt said, "Tessa, shut your goddamn mouth and Sidney is a nice one than Paige. Paige is just using that excuse to be the nice one in the school and she make things worse for being a friend to everyone. Sidney is trying to make some new friends and I'm tired for making fun of her because all you guys ever do is talking about her. I wanted to get to know her but Paige shut me out on wanting to meet her and I never met such a beautiful girl like Sidney before." Fran said, "Aww." Jamie said, "That's so sweet." Marisol said, "You never liked her and you even said that she wears horrible outfit." Wyatt said, "I regret for hanging out with you guys and I never make fun of her outfit." Hannah said, "Yeah you did." Sarah said, "You did because we heard you said that about Sidney and Sidney was just trying to fit in." Wyatt said, "I'm really sorry Sid and I wish that I never said any means things to say about you." Sidney sobs, "I still forgive you and I wanted you so bad because I have feelings for you. I was too scared to talk to you because I wanted to have some friends and you were too busy talking to your friends." Wyatt said, "I know sweetheart and I still love you. I didn't know that you have feelings for me and I guess Paige didn't want me to have feelings for you." Sidney sobs, "I wanted to tell you that I really do love you but I'm the one who messed things up about relationship because I never been in a relationship before." Wyatt said, "I didn't know that you want to be relationship and you didn't have to be scared." Sidney sobs, "I don't know if this why I'm not even pretty like every girls around here and I don't even get a chance to be in a relationship." Rosie said, "Aww." Trina said, "This is so sad." Some of the girls are tearing up about the story and Wyatt said, "Baby, you are beautiful and I love you more than anything. I don't want to let go of you and you are different to Paige because you are meant to be with me." Sidney sobs, "I love you too." Sidney hugs Wyatt and everybody claps for them as Sidney cries so hard how she was in the fight. Wyatt felt bad for Sidney that she has never been in a relationship before and he really loves her. Meanwhile at Principal Johnson's office, Paige is mad that she got in trouble and Principal Johnson said, "Paige, you beaten up a new student to start off about your boyfriend and this behavior of yours has telling me that you are on drugs that I found on the floor." Principal Johnson showed Paige the pills and Paige said, "Yeah because Tyler and Marisol was passing out drugs to almost everyone in this school." Principal Johnson said, "I will suspended you, Tyler, and Marisol for this school. Actually, you are expelled from this school due to the fight and drugs. You are going to the rehab with Tyler and Marisol as individually so I will make some phone calls on parents." Paige is now in trouble and Wyatt is no longer in a relationship with Paige anymore.

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