Windfall Chapter 2

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Kate also struggled to get free.  She was not as strong as Komae and with three men dragging her across the floor, and two tailing them, she didn’t have the strength to put up much of a resistance.  It wasn’t that she didn’t bother fighting them, it was just that no matter how much she did, their strength outmatched hers and she was dragged along regardless.  Her arms would show the marks of their fingers by morning.  Squirming too much had only gotten her hit, repeatedly.

She watched the struggle that Komae put up and wished for the thousandth time that he had been able to finish his bodyguard training before this whole travesty had happened, or that their twice damned vehicle hadn’t broken down a few miles back.  The men tossed him into the room and she realized that they were not dragging her in there as well.  They seemed to be dragging her behind the bar, separating them.

Oh frack.

“Let me go.”  She demanded again, trying to yank her wrists free of their grip.  The near twin leering grins that the men holding her wrists gave her only confirmed what she had suspected.  When he used his other hand to grab her ass and squeeze she snarled at him.  He just grinned wider and dragged her along.  The lot of them chuckled and she felt the random groping that they all were doing.  Pinching and poking, brushing a hand down her back or across her chest, she would twist away, but that would just cause them to break out laughing and do it again.

Behind the bar was the kitchen that she hoped they didn’t really cook food in.  If the rest of the place was filthy then this place was foul.  Dishes were everywhere, dirty pans on the stove, half eaten food that was moldy and rotting, just sitting around.  She was certain that she had seen a mouse take cover behind some food boxes. One of the men made a truly disgusting choking sound before finally spitting a wad of something dark onto the floor as they passed through the kitchen.

They traveled through the kitchen to the back of the bar and then to what had once been an office of some kind.  She kept trying to record details in her mind.  The more she had, the more she would be able to use later.  A few of the men wore leather holsters strapped to their hips, no snaps or bands to lock the guns in place.  If she could get her hands free she would be able to snag a gun out of one of those, easy! She always had had a knack for that kind of larceny with her hands.  More than one pocket had been lightened before she had ever started hacking.  Necessity had been an amazing teacher.

Most of the decorations in the office had been removed.  A dog with white paws scampered out of the room as the men dragged her into it.  Anything that could be of any possible use later was recorded no matter how trivial it might seem now. 

They flung her inside with enough force that she was air born for a few seconds.  She landed hard on a thin, grey striped mattress and bounced twice before they were on top of her.  If she had had any air in her system she would have screamed, but the landing had knocked it out of her and she was a bit stunned.  They pinned her down before she could get enough air in her system to start fighting back or even try to move off the mattress that was somehow dirtier than even the kitchen.  She hoped that none of the mice from the kitchen had inhabited the mattress.

Five guys surrounding her, none of them looked to have washed since before the Wind at the very earliest.  They all reeked of old beer, cigarettes and piss.  They held her down with more pressure then they needed to.  The bones in her wrists felt like they were grating against each other and she worried that the men would break something. She wished that she had gotten the strength augmentation that her brother had gotten, not that it looked like it was doing him much good when they had dragged him off, but maybe it would have made this more difficult on them.

The ugliest of the bunch crawled between her legs and grinned lecherously down at her.  He was missing an eye tooth and a front tooth and the remaining ones were all stained grey.  She didn’t want that mouth any closer to her than it already was and from the stink of his breath she didn’t want him even this close.  Breaking out a few more of his teeth would really make her feel better. 

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