Getting caught

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Chase and I just casually sit at the park, eating the lunches that we bought from a little sandwich shop down the street. Everything is strangely peaceful. Then I catch sight of something out of the corner of my eye- or rather someone across the street in the window of the laundry store. It's her! I can't believe my eyes, the lady that almost ran me over! She is alone, holding a small child that is smiling and laughing. The child is laughing at funny faces the shop owner is making. She seems so innocent, so unaware of the worlds dire situation, and the frown consuming her mothers face. The peace starts to wither away as I'm reminded of that night. I am shaken out of my thoughts by Chase.

"Hello!" " Earth to Anne." He waves a hand in front of my face, and I quickly pull my gaze away from the laundry store to look over at him. In his right hand is a small lizard, which seems to be acting strangely calm in the giant's hands.

"What is that?" I ask with a small snort. I wonder how he even managed to catch that while I wasn't paying attention. Even as I ask this, my eyes are slightly glazed over with thought. I can't help but wonder about the woman and her child. My curiosity about the story of the woman who almost flattened me is keeping my attention, even though I'd rather be thinking about anything else. I force myself to focus on the little green lizard in Chase's hand instead.

"It's a green anole." I doubt that his grin can get any larger, honestly. He sets it down and it just sits there on the large boulder we are sitting on. It looks like it's in a trance.

"What did you do to it?" I laughed as it just sat there. Even as I laugh, the question 'Who is she?' nags at the back of my mind, trying to force it's way into my primary thoughts. So, in response, I force myself into thinking the lizard is the most interesting thing at the moment. It's not working very well.

Chase shrugs.

"It probably likes me." It must have changed its mind, because right after Chase says this, it scurries off.

"I think not!" I say this in a strangely dramatic voice, then pause. "How do you think Miss. Evelin is doing?"

Chase rubs the back of his neck thoughtfully. "I don't know, she was probably crushed after she figured out that Mr.David is actually not in the least bit interested in talking to her."

I chuckle at the thought of Mr. David's disturbed expression at Miss. Evelin's flirting, and Miss. Evelin's frown of realization and embarrassment. My chuckle is cut short when I see Chase's smile quickly evaporate into a frown. I follow his gaze behind me, and soon I'm frowning as well.

The car pulling into the parking lot of the park is most definitely my mom's car, and the lady driving it is most definitely my mother. She closes the door to the small black Mini Cooper with a certain disappointment in her movement. It was wavering off her in an essence. 'Why would you do this to me?' It feels as If I can read her thoughts. Her eyes lock onto mine, and it feels like I can't move, or breathe.

"Breathe." Chase blurts quickly, noticing. Though, he looks just as frozen as I do. My mom hasn't met Chase yet and, I don't think that they would get along. From what he's heard about her, he doesn't think so either.

I suck in a large breath of air.

"Release!" He adds quickly. He awkwardly stands up, scanning the area. A hand is running through his hair. I figure he is probably searching for an escape route. I don't exactly blame him.

I let out the huff of air I just inhaled, until i'm breathing normally. This is going to suck...

Ten minutes later, and the car ride couldn't get any more awkward. Mom keeps glancing at Chase from her rear view mirror. It's perfectly silent, other than the low muffled music coming from the speakers.

I'm in the front seat, scooted as far as possible from mom. I would have chosen sitting in the back next to Chase any day, but I have a feeling that if I did that mom would eat me alive.

The seat actually squeaks under me as I move. Chase awkwardly coughs.

"So, how's school," My mom just continues to look in the mirror. " Do you like it?" My mom of course, is the first one to break the silence. That's the scary thing. Of course she would ask that to someone who helped me break out of the said school she is asking about.

I cross my fingers and hope that he doesn't lie.

Chase's eyebrow quirks up just a little bit. "It's uh, " He pauses, narrowing his eyes thoughtfully as if trying to figure out exactly how he should answer this question. "It's okay. " I sigh. Maybe a neutrual answer will work.

My mom only silently nods, as if deciding something. She looks away from Chase, and the rest of the ride is intensely silent.

I just hope that dinner will be a little bit less awkward than this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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