17. Why

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"Mommy! Mommy! The sun is awake!"

Lindsey woke blearily to the sound of Sara's excited yells. Though Stevie had almost immediately slipped into a deep sleep against his chest last night, her words had rested heavily against his heart. He'd lied awake for another hour after she'd fallen asleep, too exhausted to fully process what she'd said, but too wired and shocked to do much beyond staring helplessly at the ceiling. Finally, he'd managed to get to bed once the hazy edges of early light began filtering in through the drapes. It was painful to open his eyes.

Stevie groaned, burying her head deeper against his neck. She was—there was hair in his mouth. His hands rose lazily, pushing the strewn locks away from his face. Though not unfamiliar, the sensation was unpleasant all the same.

"Mommy, wake up!"

Stevie's protest was softer, a plaintive moan against his throat as her leg slipped higher about his waist. She was on top of him. The chaise they occupied was a snug fit for just himself, leaving Stevie no room but to splay across his own body. He could feel her soft skin everywhere it made contact with his own, which brought awareness of another situation just below the waist. She was warm and pliant and, eyes squeezed tight, he fought both his mounting headache and the rising urge to press her more firmly against him.


Of course, any such thoughts were firmly halted by the feeling of awkward limbs as Sara crawled haphazardly over the blankets.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" Sara questioned with a curious smile, head titled and curls askew.

"Come here, baby," Stevie finally muttered, rubbing her eyes as she shifted against him, arms held out for their rambunctious daughter. But even as Stevie cuddled her to her chest, Sara's energy would not be brought down.



"Why are you sleeping on a chair with Daddy?" Groaning, Stevie turned over, relinquishing any hope of getting more sleep.

"Because Daddy's warm and Mommy gets cold at night." 

"But why on the chair?" In another situation, he might be proud of Sara's natural curiosity. But at the moment, all he could think about was the unceasing tone of her high-pitched voice in his ears.

"Because Daddy didn't want to sleep in the bed." Stevie explained, shooting him an amused look. 

"Oh, okay." Finally, peace.

"Can we have breakfast now?" With a groan, Lindsey rolled over, blankets pulled further over his head. He could still hear Stevie's laughter through the fabric. 

"Anything you want, baby love, but let's go and let your daddy sleep a little longer." Stevie paused for a moment, bestowing a quick kiss to the top of his head. As soon as the pressure of her lips disappeared, he pulled the blanket down, catching the tentative tender look on her face before she looked away. Grinning, Sara copied her mother, placing a sweet kiss in the center of his forehead. Pulling away, she met his gaze.

"But Mommy," she protested, "he's already awake!"

"No, he's not." Stevie responded, trying to keep a straight face.

"Look," she pointed, "his eyes are open!" He closed them immediately.

"Nuh-uh!" Stevie refuted teasingly, rubbing their noses together.

 Suddenly, the warmth at his side was gone as Stevie stood, Sara most likely in her arms.

"But I saw him, momma, I did!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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