Your First Day at Camp

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So let's say you've made it to camp, and it's your first day now, what do you do?

Step 1.) If you or your satyr are hurt, get help. This is very common, so we are trained to help.

Step 2.) If your not hurt, go to the Big House, the big blue house you'll see when you walk into camp, and ask for Chiron.

Step 3.) Chiron will probably get someone to give you a tour, stick with them, unless it's an Ares camper, in that case run.

Step 4.) Allow your guide to help you get a new weapon.

Step 5.) If you're unclaimed (don't know who your godly parent is), go to cabin 11, and tell them you're unclaimed. They'll give you an area (probably on the floor) for your bed and other things. Don't leave anything out or it WILL be stolen.

Step 6.) If you have been claimed report to your cabin, they'll give you a bed and a chest.

Step 7.) Avoid the children of Ares, they've been known to give knew kids swirlies.

Step 8.) Follow your cabin around and learn their schedule. During your free time, try to make friends.

Step 9.) Sacrifice some food to your godly parent AT EVERY MEAL.

Step 10.) Train. Train as if your life depends on it because it does.

-Ανναβέτη Χάσε, η κόρη από Αθηνά

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